Finding Solitude In This Summer

I traded hot girl summer for a selfcare one instead.

Drthefit | Ankita
Just Be You


Photo by Olivier Brugger on Unsplash

A summer of self-care

“I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” — Henry David Thoreau

It’s raining as I write this, in fact. The sky is thick with gray clouds. I have a blanket on my lap. I didn’t pay enough attention to these long days until now!

I didn’t sit with gratitude at my window, watching the last of the light disappear at 9PM, thanking the sun for its strength and vibrance at this time of year.

And…in just a few more turns of the clock, the days are going to start getting shorter. How did that happen so quickly? And yet, in a month, the days will be noticeably shorter, and the month after that, I’ll feel the chill of fall in the nighttime air.

It all goes by so damn quickly.

It was supposed to be a Hot Girl Summer. I was supposed to be celebrating myself, enjoying lighter COVID-19 restrictions, and generally living my best life.

That was the plan, and I was happy with it. Hot girl summer was on!

We all needed a light and fun summer after a full year of pandemic life. I was hopeful. I was ready.



Drthefit | Ankita
Just Be You

15x Top Writer. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Creating Part-Time. Join my email list: