Lesson 25: Change Your Narrative In 2023

And Upgrade Your Life

Drthefit | Ankita
Just Be You


Photo by Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash

Hi, It’s me!

For now, let’s dive into today’s lesson.

How to make most in 2023?

How to start your new year is a big deal in itself and bigger deal is when you are already 3 months in.

We all make certain plans, create a long list of goals, and whatnot.

But what if I tell you it should not be stressful, and you are allowed to step up in a new year not with a goal list that is more or less the same as the previous year but with an upgraded mindset?

Because what I learned is, to achieve anything, you should build a mindset that is capable of keep going regardless.

#1 Change the way you introduce yourself

Surprisingly most people start with their job profile or the position/title they hold or the business they own. However, you are more than that what you do for a living.

Be curious, open your mind.

Don’t introduce yourself based on your job title or a business you own.

I am probably gonna say something like this- “I am an aspiring writer who is passionate about mental health, art, and books.”



Drthefit | Ankita
Just Be You

15x Top Writer. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Creating Part-Time. Join my email list: https://drthefit.substack.com