The Most Important Thing in Life You *Must* Know

Who says you can’t turn your life around in your 30s?

Drthefit | Ankita
Just Be You


Photo by Inspa Makers on Unsplash

On 18th April, I completed yet another year in IT and of my professional career. As I am thinking and recalling my last few years, I can’t help but gasp in amazement about how my life has turned on its head.

If pandemic-induced lockdown had not happened in 2020, I’d be seeing and doing things same as years before that instead of publishing articles on LinkedIn and Medium. I’d probably have the same mindset and beliefs. And You wouldn’t get to read my stories in this newsletter.

And regardless of what you achieve, you’ll still experience a part of you is missing. And I am experiencing that right now.

When I started out my career, everyone around me said, in another decade and a half, you would be at Executive level, earning well, and living your best years of life. That’s the dream sold to many of you as well. I was no different.

Trust me when I say this — I thought I had it all figured out. My company and role are such. It felt like a perfect trajectory to sacrifice everything else.

Sure, I felt miserable at times in my career when I had to do things I don’t enjoy and when some seniors were mean just because they can (I am extra sensitive). But…



Drthefit | Ankita
Just Be You

15x Top Writer. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Creating Part-Time. Join my email list: