How To Make Your Videos Successful on Social Media

Jacob Cass
JUST Creative
Published in
9 min readJul 25, 2019

This article was contributed by Karina Ramos of Envato.

For a long time, images had been the most used resource to communicate a message. However, when platforms like Vimeo and Youtube launched, video became the go-to resource among users. It was perfect because the combination of images, movement, and music could project emotions better than a single image.

Related: See here for the best video editing laptops or computers.

Then our lives became more hectic, and we adopted social media networks as part of our lives. They made it easier to keep in touch with our loved ones or gather information online from other people’s experiences. At first, videos were made just for fun, but when metrics showed just how much engagement they had, this became an essential asset for marketing teams or any business person in charge of their marketing strategy.

If you think about it, you can reach an interesting market just by using social networks like Facebook, with 2.8 billion users, or Instagram, with 111 million users.

These social networks understand this, and they are always working on their algorithm to ensure that the tons of information posted daily reaches people who are interested in specific topics according to their behaviors.

So today, not only do you need to add videos to your campaign, but you also need to know how to make your videos successful on social media.

Don’t worry, in this post, we have all the information you need to accomplish this task.

In this post you’ll learn:

  • How videos work in the viewer’s mind.
  • How to use the art of storytelling.
  • Which type of video and social networks are the correct ones for you?
  • A guide to making a successful video.

Why Are Videos More Impactful?

Streets of new York

Have you wondered what exactly happens inside our heads when we see a video? Here is the simplest way to explain it:

When the eyes receive an image, it gets processed in the back of the brain, and at the same time, it’s broken down into concepts so it can be understood. A video is a significant amount of different images, so it turns into a lot of information that needs to be processed. Being precise and as clear as possible becomes essential otherwise the brain will ignore it.

The human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text and this is why normally 80% of people are more likely to watch videos than read a text.”

We can relate to body language, and that is why we understand and engage with a story, remember it, and listen to the solution it’s offering. Another resource used in videos is music. By adding music to your video you will generate a mood. Whenever the viewer listens to that track again somewhere else, they will remember your message. Feelings and emotions are fundamental to creating meaningful videos, and they become profound if they connect with the viewer’s experience. The goal must be a persuasive video. So now you need to know how to tell your story.

Choose a Meaningful Story to Share

Woman on laptop with ad

Telling a story in any video is the best technique to express a message in a meaningful way. Once you know the message you want to share, think about the context, the problem, and a solution that viewers can easily understand. It doesn’t need to be a very long story. You only need some details that can describe a situation in a short and clear manner so that even people who haven’t lived a similar situation can understand and feel convinced that your solution is the perfect one.

If you have never written a story or don’t even know where to start, don’t worry! Here are some interesting points from Garr Reynolds for successful storytelling in your videos:

  1. Write down your ideas on paper, don’t start on the computer. Explore all your thoughts and keep what makes the most sense for your project.
  2. It’s about your audience’s story, not you. Make the story about them, and use them as examples.
  3. Have a solid narrative. Describe to your clients an ideal world that would be the result of people using or buying your solution.
  • Share the reality of the world without using your solution.
  • Now you can clearly explain the problem you are solving.
  • Finally, share your solution.
  1. Show your data and evidence through pictures or videos. If you have photos, videos, or any other kind of proof, make sure to include it in your slideshow. If necessary, crop your images or videos to make them more attractive.
  2. Say only what you need to. Don’t use extra information. Attention spans are short so make the time you have with your audience meaningful.
  3. Stick to the main elements of the story: Character — Conflict — Goal.
  4. Demonstrate change: Inform — Inspire — Motivate.
    A successful video is one that calls to action.
  5. Engage with people by doing the unexpected. Drop some unexpected details into your presentation that can make the story more interesting.
  6. Make them feel because emotion impacts profoundly. Make them laugh, make them cry, make them consider how they can be part of this.
  7. Be authentic. There is no better story than the one you have lived and felt. Be open about it; share your genuine emotions.

Video Structure and the Best Social Network for It

Design Banners

We see many types of videos flowing on the web, but have you stopped to think which one is the most convenient for you? No matter what your goal is, I have listed different video styles you can use to accomplish a successful video. Learn to select the right style and pick the right social network to share it on.

Introduce a New Service or Product: Use intro videos in presentations as an icebreaker or on your website and social networks as a header. This content is perfect for Facebook and Youtube.

Obtain Feedback or Share Information: Story videos are perfect for sharing the latest news. Instagram and Facebook users love them. You can create polls, quotes, offers, storytelling, and testimonials. They appear as slideshows, so don’t make more than 6 because viewers aren’t likely to watch them all.

Share Important Insights: Slideshows are perfect for expanding on the details of your project. Give valuable information using social networks like Twitter about how your solution is making a change.

Make Last Minute Sales: Offer and sales videos must be short and direct. Make them eye-catching and include a CTA (Call to Action) to help increase your sales as part of your online campaign. Share them on any social network.

Share a Glimpse of What’s Coming: Content teasers are perfect for sharing what is coming. These can work on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Make Shareable Content: Quotes are always shareable! Make yours more engaging with animated elements. Share them on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Help Your Clients Understand Your Products: Step by step tutorials can help your clients understand how to use your service or product. Include any other extra information that you think will be helpful. These are perfect for Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.

Be Specific with the Details of Your Product: Product overview videos give more detailed information about a product or service. Use these videos on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and your website. Remember not to make them longer than 30 seconds.

Experiences Must Be Shared: Customer testimonials are the best publicity. Make videos using them and post them throughout all your social networks. These will help your brand be more trustworthy.

If You Need to Raise Money: Fundraising videos are perfect for sharing your goal, why you are doing your project, and what you need from your followers. These are perfect for crowdfunding campaigns, websites and any social network.

Follow This Guide to Make a Successful Video

Laptop on Desk

Every video should follow your brand’s aesthetics. Even if you create it with a video maker using templates, make sure to customize it. Take these technical details into consideration while you visually build your brand so that’s it’s recognized by your market.

About Your Colors: Make sure to use your brand’s colors. In case you don’t have any it’s time to establish at least 4 of them and always use the same tone on anything you design. Assign which one will be the predominant and all the secondary ones for extra elements like symbols and textures.

Pro tip: If you’re using Placeit’s Video Maker you can use our color picker or use your brand’s hex code.

Fonts Must Be Readable: Since videos move quite fast, it’s super important that your fonts are easy to read. It’s recommended to avoid handwriting style fonts or cursive fonts. Establish the fonts you will use on all your communication. If you have a website, try your best to use the same fonts or the most similar ones you can find. Usually, the best option to choose from is Google Fonts because of the flexibility of the license.

Unified Images: Make sure your images are sharp and good quality. It doesn’t matter if you use mockups, stock images, or images from your own photo shoot. The important thing is that the images are unified, visually speaking. For example, you might only use model videos, product shots or illustrations. It’s your call, but make sure all the images look harmonious together, and that they support the idea you want to share. If you are using text and images together, one element supports the other. If you use a photo with a lot of visual information plus tons of text, the viewer might not have enough time to read it or understand it altogether.

The Perfect Tune: If you can add music to your video, listen to all the options you have, and select the perfect tune. As you browse through tracks, make sure the one you choose expresses your brand’s style. If there isn’t any track working for you in the app you are using, don’t settle for something you don’t like. Music establishes a mood, and you don’t want people to get the wrong impression from your brand just because you added a random tune to your video.

Which tune could work for your video? Here are some ideas:

For Tutorials: Playful tunes motivates people to make them feel it’s going to be fun and easy.

  • For Inspiring Messages: Instrumentals calls viewers to action.
  • For Teasers: Dynamic music will make viewers get excited with what is coming.My advice here is to apply the track and listen to all the video with it. If you like it and feel that it’s adding to your message, then you have a winning music track.

Your Communication Tone: This means the tone that you communicate with your market. Keep in mind that your tone will depend on how you want to be perceived by your audience. Remember that your brand is like a person, so you can project yourself youthful and playful, or alternatively, serious and respectful. What you project will depend on the strategy behind your brand, however, it would be best if you unified this tone on everything you do.

Making Videos Is Easier Than You Think

Wrapping up all the things we learned in this post, you now know that making videos for social media is accessible and even quite easy. You can forget about hiring professionals or looking for the perfect models and places to shoot the video since you can do it yourself with an online video maker like the one Placeit offers.

  • Using this tool, you can do everything directly from your browser with just a few clicks.
  • Apply your high-quality images to avoid bringing down your video’s final presentation.
  • Select the music that represents your brand’s mood.
  • Finally, apply your brand’s color palette so that your video is immediately recognized among your market.

With all of these simple tips, you’re ready to start creating successful videos for your social media campaign.



JUST Creative
JUST Creative

Published in JUST Creative

Design & business blog focused on branding, logo design, web design, content marketing, social media & more.

Jacob Cass
Jacob Cass

Written by Jacob Cass

Helping brands grow & get results with strategic branding & distinctive design. Founder of agency, — Clients: Nike, Disney. TEDx speaker. Dad.

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