CJ Amberwood
Published in
1 min readMar 2, 2021


re: Limitations

Very interesting piece, Martin. Always love to challenge my thinking. Thanks for posting it.

I was with you all the way to the End, so to speak. I follow the infinity arguments, and I love the notion of unbounded possibility. I think both Descartes and Kant would find much to like, again, up to the End.

But why can't we apply 'measurement' within our spatial and temporal now? Isn't that what science is for? And I didn't make the leap to 'meaning' being included in the infinity argument. For me, meaning is a social convention tied to language, that allows a shared understanding in observable contexts. Not sure we need to throw all that out the infinity window.

I’d argue language and math are essential conventions to explain what exists, as well as our comprehension of non-existence, to help us contemplate infinity. And yes, they have limitations too. I think it was Wittgenstein who said, paraphrasing, "the limits of my language are the limits of my world."

Would have been hard to publish your post without words.

To add to your infinite regression, I’d say it’s not just about unbounded possibility. I'd argue we have ideas, all the way down, as well.

Just my initial thoughts — !



CJ Amberwood

Thinker. Author. Explorer of edges. Top writer in Writing. Founder, “Just Curious” pub, exploring creativity in 3m or less. Pour some coffee, stop in .. !