Staring Down 2021

on survival and growth in the New Year

CJ Amberwood
2 min readJan 1, 2021


No place to hide? © 2012 Amberwood Media

We can blame a virus for many things. Lord knows we do, and it’s well-deserved. But how we respond in a crisis is up to us. And as I’ve posted elsewhere, a global pandemic is a goodtime to re-invest in our important relationships — whether family, friends, or co-workers. When connected we tap deep sources of care and support, provided, of course, we’ve mastered the finer points of Zoom and social media.

I need to ask, though: must we remain virtual hermits?

Many of us have, if not for the duration, certainly for a few seasons, Netflix seasons among them. For awhile more, many of us remain stranded from others. But for me, on the verge of 2021, the New Year beckons with much of the same enthusiasm it did two years ago on this day, as I planned a return to writing. What became of the 24 intervening months? COVID can only claim a share.

Much has changed.

More pragmatic now, I’ve learned to shorten my planning horizon. Being nimble is a survival skill. More present now, I’m making better decisions on how to spend the next 15 minutes. More often now, a blank computer screen or empty notepad invites reflection, a clear call to my creative self.

So in 2021:

  • I will write;
  • I’ll take more pictures, and will surface photos from the last 15 years, literally thousands of images I’ve been neglecting, in search of visual metaphor;
  • I will draw Japanese kanji, exploring the art of Shodo, a tantalizing path through minimalism and Asian philosophy;
  • I will (re-)build my social network, a journey I started in earnest over 10 years ago on Twitter. What I like about Medium is the longer form, and space for a deeper dive. And, could it be? I think the ranting has begun to subside.

There’s so much to explore and to learn.

Care to join me?

Thanks for the read. Would love your thoughts and comments. You’ll find me discussing ideas, creativity and work on Twitter, IG, and of course here on Medium. I love this place.



CJ Amberwood

Thinker. Author. Explorer of edges. Top writer in Writing. Founder, “Just Curious” pub, exploring creativity in 3m or less. Pour some coffee, stop in .. !