Why The Last Time I Quit Was the Last Time

Why The Isolation Detox Method Worked for me

Hogan Torah
Just Dope


Image by author using rundiffusion.com

The last time I quit heroin didn’t feel different than the other times. This was the dozenth time I’d tried to quit that year. But getting away from it all was the answer to the question of when I was going to stop doing heroin.

Withdrawals are every bit as bad as they’re made to look in the movies. The reality is they’re even worse.

Imagine having the worst flu you’ve ever had and knowing you’re going to feel this way for at least two weeks. Now, imagine something existed that could make you feel not just better but amazing. You would pay any price to stop feeling this way.

I’d tried the isolation detox method before. The difference was the last time was I never went home. Staying two hours away from Los Angeles in Santa Barabra was the game changer.

The last time I used the isolation detox method was at a friend’s house. She locked me in and set the alarm. Little did I know that meant the garage too.

I opened the garage door and set the alarm off. My friend didn’t give me the code or safe word for the people who called. I panicked and hid behind a huge tree in the backyard.



Hogan Torah
Just Dope

Counterculture journalist 💊 humorist 🤪 dark empath 🧿 Google me, I autofill 🕶️