Here’s to hoping this resolution doesn’t fall on its face as so many do.

Just Call Me Sne
Figuring It Out, Together
2 min readJan 8, 2017

My goal is to try something new each week and use this forum as a place to reflect upon those experiences. I’ve kept “something new” vague and broad intentionally at first so I can allow this project to ebb and flow naturally. Some weeks I’ll retell stories of trying a new recipe; other times I’ll have videos/pictures from a monument or museum. I anticipate some of my posts to be research driven into topics I’ve been interested to learn about, but haven’t made the time to in the past. I’m sure there will be some weeks when I won’t want to hold up my end of this resolution and I am sharing this with a close group of friends in hopes they will keep me accountable if I don’t.

I would argue one of my strongest personality traits is my curiosity. This curiosity is what drives my insatiable desire to learn, explore new places, meet new people… Outside of my overall curiosity to learn, I’d like to briefly discuss my inspiration for this project — a self-help book of sorts called The Defining Decade written for “twentysomethings” working to navigate their personal and professional lives. Written by Meg Jay, a clinical psychologist who has worked with many twentysomethings, the book walks through many facets of life and how recent college grads can take advantage of a decade that is often not given its due respect. She divides the book into three major sections: Work, Love and The Brain and Body. For anyone that is unsure of their future, but willing to put in the time and effort to reach their goals, I’d highly recommend the book. She combines anecdotal experiences with her own patients and clinical studies to open the reader’s eyes to many interesting/alarming facts about our twentysomething years. The book’s message forced me to consider some of my actions, plans and relationships.

One quote from the book that particularly motivated me to embark upon this journey is from Dale Carnegie, “Inaction breeds fear and doubt. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

Here’s to getting out and getting busy in 2017 and beyond.

