Best Small Business Tips for Improved UX

Just For Starters
Published in
5 min readNov 20, 2018

Technology is constantly changing. But you already knew that. With so many small business tips and tools to choose from, it’s tricky to predict which platforms are worth investing in and which are worth giving a miss.

You might think that automated technologies are best suited for corporate giants with plenty to juggle, but any business servicing customers should be brainstorming ways to put their customers at the heart of their business. After all, a powerful user experience (UX) can take your business to new heights.

In short, a winning customer experience translates into the perception a customer has of your business. Be it through a conversation they had with your chatbot application or how they felt when navigating through your website. It’s any interaction they have with your brand online, offline or in real-time.

Since the latest technologies are changing in the blink of an eye (almost as quickly as customers change their minds), many companies are relying on technology to satisfy their customers. With so much competition for them to sieve through, customers are quick to jump from business to business if they’re guaranteed a better customer experience elsewhere.

The price of a product or service is no longer the deciding factor of whether or not someone is willing to spend their money with you. Today, it’s about the entire customer journey, from start to finish.

The price, well, that’s justifiable if the service is worthwhile. And to do that, you need to include 24-hour service, self-service, a conversational chatbot, an easy-to-use website, simple commerce procedures with little frustration, minimal human contact, and much more.

Crafting personalized relationships with the latest technologies

The reality is that customers judge you based on the experience they have with your business. And that doesn’t necessarily refer to in-person experiences. Most customers are digital customers, therefore the type of technologies you use to add value to your customers’ lives will be the deciding factor on whether or not your customers will return and continue to engage with your business. For small businesses, this is even more enhanced because it’s expected of you.

Customers expect small businesses to focus on personalizing your relationships and experiences and delivering top-quality service. Always.

With today’s competitive and broad market space, small businesses don’t get away with their size. Just because you have a small business, it doesn’t mean you have an excuse not to innovate. Because you’re small, customers have an even higher expectation of you. So, by saying that, one of the most useful small business tips is to invest in the latest customer experience technology to help take your business to new heights.

Here are a few ways technology can help you to take control of your customer experience:

Customer interaction data and analytics

Building and growing your business is not possible without the help of the latest technologies.

Predictive analytics, generated by artificial intelligence (AI) tools and big data, can help you to understand your customers better and adjust your approach according to your customers’ behavior and needs.

Most of these details will never be able to be collected, and updated, without the help of technology. Once data is analyzed, businesses can pay attention to the greater detail of how their customers interact with their platforms. And, based on this, tweak it accordingly. The great thing about small businesses is that you can test the waters. Make use of various marketing platforms such as bulk SMS messaging and chatbot technology to see which communication channels your customers prefer to be contacted on.

Communication advantages

Customers want to have the freedom to contact a business whenever it suits them. Gone are the days when businesses worked their usual 9 to 5 and were unable to communicate with their customers until the next morning. Now, customers want 24-hour support for their convenience. They also don’t want to have to download several applications before they can communicate with a business, therefore they expect businesses to provide them with an in-app solution. By making use of a live chat tool such as Clickatell Touch, you’ll be able to communicate with your customers on their preferred channel, in real-time, and in their preferred language. Businesses can use this as an automation tool, allowing them to receive chat messages to a single web-based interface, and respond immediately. Or, of course, use an artificial dialogue to keep your customers happy until such a time that they need help from a professional.

By being able to communicate with customers at any time, without needing a human resource to do so, small business owners can save plenty of money on labor costs simply by utilizing a chatbot. If you prefer to use two-way SMS messaging as your key communication platform, Clickatell Platform can help you to reach and engage any type of audience, with or without a smartphone. This effortless approach will guarantee an increase in conversions and customer satisfaction.

Provide value from the start

Honestly, customers only care about business products or services that add value to their lives. If your customer experience makes the buying process easier, that’s an added benefit. Besides offering your customers an incredible pre- and post-sale service, you need to be there for brands even when they’re not spending their money with your business. Why? Because you’re keeping your business at the tip of their tongue. Provide your customers with engaging content and information that adds value to their lives. You can do this through SMS messaging and live chat conversations based on their searches and interactions with your business. It’s all about experimenting with your customers and showing them how you’re using their information to improve your business. Which, in turn, improves their experience with your business.

Stay profitable and on-trend

It’s not about reinventing the wheel, it’s about using technology to enhance your marketing approach. Today’s best solutions are those that integrate with other platforms such as Clickatell Touch. This scalable tool acts as a plug-in, complementing your existing platforms. It’s an affordable way to keep up with your competitors, increase sales, streamline support, and reduce costs. Simply by offering customers what they want, you’ll be able to deliver a positive experience.

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Just For Starters

Clickatell is a global leader in mobile messaging. Connect with your customers via Bulk SMS, WhatsApp Business, and Touch Live Chat.