Best Ways To Use AI In Your Small Business Marketing Strategy

AI technologies can transform your existing CRM system while handling those time-consuming tasks

Just For Starters
6 min readJan 29, 2019


Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed nearly every industry. Yet it still feels like a futuristic and unattainable business idea for many small business owners who haven’t yet adapted to the digital revolution. If this is how you feel, now is the time to embrace AI and maximize it in your small business marketing strategy before you fall behind.

So what is AI, actually?

In short, it can be identified as the process in which machines are used to follow specific human commands and perform actions according to their needs. It’s a process where machine intelligence is “trained” to digest plenty of data, translating that data into measurable feedback that business owners can utilize in their day-to-day business operations.

The purpose of machine learning is to help you complete tasks faster than you could ever imagine achieving yourself.

And for this exact reason, more companies are starting to use AI to assist with marketing and time-consuming tasks. Some popular tasks are customer service and campaign automation.

Many of these tasks, unless requested otherwise, are used to speed up internal processes and allow employees to focus on tasks that do require human interaction or emotional intelligence to complete. AI saves businesses plenty of money in labor costs because machines are deployed to do the tasks you cannot get to in the day. And one of the perks with this entire process is that they also eliminate the number of human errors.

Why is it ideal for small business marketing?

AI for digital small business marketing is a practical decision. Now, you can forget about having to wear plenty of different hats or having to touch on various business tasks at the same time. And, in addition to all these responsibilities, you won’t have to figure out an approach to improve existing processes and land new business deals. If you make use of the right AI systems and technologies such as Clickatell Touch, you’ll be able to comfortably stay ahead without having to hire more people to assist you in managing various areas of your business.

The beauty of using AI for small business marketing is that you can reduce the overflow of tasks while leveraging its analytical “brain” to better your business and boost your bottom line.

Not only can AI improve your existing business operations by automating your SMS marketing or social campaigns, drawing up financial reports or sending and receiving messages from your customers, but Touch can give your business the always-on presence it needs.

Here are a few important ways to use AI in your small business marketing efforts.

Use AI to understand campaigns and increase sales

Many marketers make use of AI technology to assist them in understanding the numbers generated by their campaigns.

It’s one thing to create powerful campaigns but if you don’t know how to optimize your strategy to communicate with certain target groups, you’re missing out on the opportunity to achieve measurable results for your efforts.

Generally speaking, many small business owners aren’t clued up in every digital department. Some might understand the different types of digital experiences and the need to promote your business on various channels, but they might not understand the data generated by a particular campaign. Nor how to use the feedback received to change future results. So, having the correct tools and digital “mindset” to help you understand the data and analytics that your AI tool provides you with can help you to significantly improve your business’ results in future and eventual bottom line.

You’ll be able to utilize AI to increase product or service sales by taking over tedious tasks. For example, sending out bulk SMS messages or emails. The beauty with AI, however, is that you’ll still be able to personalize and customize bulk messages to ensure each customer receives a special and unique message from your business. Artificial resources are incredibly helpful when sifting through market research and analyzing the market.

Use AI to create a better customer service experience

According to this study, “85 percent of customers will interact with businesses without human involvement by 2020.” This is no surprise, considering how customer service has evolved in recent years. In this day and age, many members of younger generations prefer to communicate with brands and sales agents via text message. Be it on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or website chat, they would much rather have the opportunity to communicate an issue when it suits them. And, if possible, to receive instant feedback.

It’s understandable that most consumers are living a fast-paced life with little time to communicate via a phone call. But, on the other hand, not all tech-savvy individuals are on-the-go. They just want to communicate on a non-disruptive platform that appeals to them. More customer service departments are moving in this direction, therefore it’s wise for small business owners to consider self-service and artificial chat solutions in their marketing plan, especially if they want to offer their customers the instant, personalized experience they expect.

In addition to standard customer relationship management (CRM) systems, businesses are incorporating a chatbot element which enables customers to communicate with your business after hours, and whenever customers want to.

With a chatbot, you can feed it the type of information it needs to be able to respond to your customers in real-time. It might seem like it’s a complex undertaking to incorporate AI into your small business marketing strategy, but with tools like Clickatell Touch, it honestly has never been easier. This artificial tool is easily integrable into existing platforms and systems, allowing you to utilize it for social media purposes or as an extension of your website. Forget having to make time to respond to an influx of messages — Touch will do everything for you. And quickly too.

Use AI to help you generate better social results

Social media marketing is important and every business owner knows this. Creating engaging posts is not the problem, but rather the need to keep posts consistent and relevant. AI tools like Touch can assist you by monitoring your online presence and showing you which types of content marketing works for your brand. For example, maybe you should focus more on video and visual posts over write-ups. This will give you some much-needed insight into how you should adjust your posts to interest your customers. Another perk with AI for social is that you can incorporate a natural language processor (NLP) into your chatbot tool which allows it to communicate with customers according to their language preferences.

Use AI to keep track of your schedule and accounts

Lastly, beyond sales, marketing, and customer service, AI can help you plan your day. By deploying the correct tools to suit your needs, you’ll be reminded of your meetings, be able to assist with your team’s schedule, generate invoices for your clients, and more. There are so many ways to automate your tasks and to make life easier for you and your business.

AI assistants are the way of the future, and they’re as intelligent as you make them.

Get started with Clickatell today!

It’s impossible for you to wear several hats, so lift this weight off of your shoulders and invest in a chatbot tool to assist you with CRM management and the automation of time-consuming tasks. You can also use Clickatell’s SMS Platform to text your customers anytime and anywhere. So, get started for free today, and see how much Clickatell can transform your business in the long term.

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Just For Starters

Clickatell is a global leader in mobile messaging. Connect with your customers via Bulk SMS, WhatsApp Business, and Touch Live Chat.