From the Editors

Information for Peer Reviewers

Hello! Thank you for your service as a peer reviewer. We need you and we love you.


Here’s how to get started.

  1. Peer review request will come from an editor via email. The email will contain a link to a draft article and a proposed deadline. Please plan to provide your feedback in the indicated timeframe.
  2. Create a Medium account. All of the interactions happen on the Medium platform, so you will need an account. Please include your LinkedIn in your bio.
  3. Please use the “leave a note” feature to add your comments. The notes will be visible to both the author and the editors.
  4. When you have completed your review and added all the comments you wish, please indicate that via a note on the story or an email to the editor.
  5. Peer reviews may be attributed to you, or anonymous. If you wish to provide an anonymous peer review, please discuss with the editor(s) BEFORE leaving your notes on the story.
  6. If in the course of your review, you are inspired to propose a response to be published in dialog (i.e. the two stories will be published with reciprocal links), please let us know!

Some Questions to Guide Your Review

Keep in mind that the purpose of the peer review is to improve the submitted story.

  1. Is the author’s argument clear? First and foremost, we are writing to engage in dialog with each other in our community of practice; however, the issues at hand are important for non-practitioners to be able to understand. Clear argumentation serves both audiences.
  2. Are there any factual errors? These pieces generally won’t be the result of years of academic research. If you see something factually wrong, please note it.
  3. Are there other examples or case studies that support or refute the author’s argument that should be considered and incorporated?



"Just Housing Just Transitions" Editors
Just Housing, Just Transitions

This account is jointly managed by the editors of the “Just Housing, Just Transitions” publication. See