My Super Weird Life Purpose

And how it can help you, too.

Jordin James
Just Jordin


Photo by Marten Newhall

Many people’s life purposes go like this…

  • Make a shit ton of money.
  • Become famous.
  • Be the best mother or father or spouse I possibly can.

Noooooope. Not me.

About a year ago, I had no idea what the hell I was doing, so I committed to finding an answer to what the hell I was supposed to be doing.

I read some books, tinkered around with my insides, and emerged with a life purpose I never expected:

Participate in my own awakening, and foster space for others to do the same.

Huh. Weird.

But what does it meannn? (And how can it help you?)

First off — “Awakening.” That’s super fucking weird.

It’s particularly weird because I didn’t know what it meant when I came up with it. But as I’ve participated in it (*wink wink*), I’ve finally learned exactly what it is I am awakening to: myself.

I realized the only question I’ve ever really asked since childhood is:

“Am I okay the way I am?”

Everybody in the world could tell me I’m okay the way I am. But only when I tell myself I’m okay the way I am, will I actually believe it.

Same with you. But deep down, you already knew this.

So what does it mean to awaken to myself? What does it mean to awaken to yourself?

It means becoming your own best friend.

And let me tell you, dear readers, it is fucking glorious.

Foster space for others to do the same? That sounds woo-woo. Is it woo-woo?

It can be as woo-woo as you want to make it. But it can also be as practical as you want to make it.

So I’ll keep it practical for you lovely “rational” readers. [Ya’ll fellow woo-woos can hit me up on twitter later ;) ]

It all boils down to this: I want to help you become your own best friend.

I want to help you be nicer to yourself.

I want to help you align your life with who you really are.

I want to do everything I can to point you back to yourself — to get you to see that yes, dear, you are okay exactly how you are, so one day you’ll believe it, too.

Practically, this looks like:

  • Getting you in touch with yourself so you can find your own life purpose
  • Helping you bridge the gap between reality and your dreams
  • Helping you identify and resolve mental blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Helping you finally cultivate some gatdam self-compassion!

I do all this through my writing here on Medium and on my blog. I also do this through one-on-one life coaching which you can schedule here.

Your first coaching session with me is totally free with no obligation to schedule another so honestly there’s no reason to pass up this free opportunity to work on yourself. Just sayin’.

What about you?

You get yourself a life purpose yet?

If not, schedule a free fucking coaching session already!

If so — pleeease post it in the comments so I can learn from you!

I nerd out over this stuff, so I’d love to hear more about how you found your purpose and what it entails and where you’re at now!

So go ahead, leave a comment, make my day ❤



Jordin James
Just Jordin

Worthiness coach, writer, parts work expert. Replacing loneliness with belonging, one part at a time. Find more: // Socials: @justjordinjames