Knowledge is Power

Victoria Wong
Just Learning
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2020

Tatum defines the dominant and subordinate identities and the power relationship groups by who we are as a being. We are all different from one another based on our age, race, gender, and many other factors. In “The Complexity of Identity” by Tatum, she mentions how there are certain groups that have more power over others. For example, the majority of people living in the United States are white, while the minorities are of other races. Dominant groups have a better advantage in life and do not see the struggles that minorities go through. Someone who has grown up a place where they are accepted and loved because they are of the same race and culture does not see how privileged they are. Through this, people of color do not have as great of an advantage compared to whites. In “What Does the Flag Mean to You?”, Collins illustrates the existing power differential has an impact on her because she is a minority. She is not able to say what she wants to say on her mind even though it is a free country. While in school, she was taught to not speak up and to just be in the background. If she says something wrong that goes against one’s ideas, everyone will disapprove of her. As time went on, her education has shaped her to not be afraid of what she thinks. Through this chapter, Collin teaches others that African Americans are stereotyped and judged quickly. She explains how she was chosen to write a speech in high school about what the flag means to her, but in reality, her teacher wanted the meaning to be what everyone saw the flag as. Collin mentions, “On the one hand, for reasons of survival, they must understand (but not necessarily believe) how the powerful see them, usually as less intelligent, less morally capable, less hardworking, less beautiful, or all of the above” (Collins 10). The author explains to the readers that those who are more powerful tend to look down on those who do not have as many opportunities handed to them. Tatum also relates to Collins because they both state that people with more power do not want those with less power to have the same opportunities that they do. People of higher power do not like it when people challenge authorities. Even though it is said in the “Pledge of Allegiance” states that everyone gets liberty and equitable opportunities, some have to work harder to get there. When minorities end up on the same level as those who have more power, they tend to be surprised and in disbelief because they think that minorities cannot do as well as them. In communities, people tend to fend for themselves and would do whatever it takes to keep them safe or be better than others. This is difficult because people with more money and power make people of low income look like they do not deserve the same jobs, schools, cars, and living as everyone else does. The points in these readings inform or expand my perspective about my role concerning the community I will be working with this semester by giving them the learning opportunity that they deserve. The readings expand my understanding of my own experience by realizing that I have been provided the education that I need and I do not have to work as hard compared to others. Although I am a minority in the United States, I have been privileged to grow up in a community surrounded by my ethnicity where I am welcomed. Having the chance to work at Next Generation Scholars will allow me to learn from the middle schoolers and high schoolers about their struggles and what gives them the passion to achieve higher education. Working here will remind me to see them as a whole person and not stereotype them. Although I may stereotype without meaning to, my goal is to learn from their experience. Being able to help at the Community Uplift Project on Mental Health, I will be able to see the perspective of the community and understand how they view others as a whole. Just like Collins described in her writing, people with less power are not able to speak as freely compared to those with more power. Reaching out to the community will allow the people with less voice to be heard and seen. Through this, they will be able to make a change in the community.

