Famous by Proxy: Why We Brag About the Celebs We Met or Saw Somewhere

Have you ever met a famous person that you brag all the time about knowing?

Justiss Goode | F😄M


Helen Crozier: “Foxes of Harrow” — Photo by Author

An interesting thing happened to me recently, that related directly to this story about feeling famous by proxy. Although the revelation doesn’t change a single thing in my life, nor does it relate to me specifically, I still get excited just thinking about it.

The story I’m sharing right now starts out with me living in the very last foster home (out of five), that I would ever stay in. This was the home where I finally began having a sense of what happiness is actually supposed to look like.

Famous by Proxy?

Around this period in my life would be the beginning of my very first celebrity encounters and when I started getting what I call “famous by proxy syndrome”. I don’t know if that’s a real thing or not, but I know I’m not the only one who comes down with it.

Plenty of people constantly talk about the celebrities or famous people they know, or maybe I should say they behave like they know, even if it was a minor or brief encounter.

FYI: If you arrived on this page because of the link in my “About Me Story”, one of the 2 photos I mentioned is the one above. You’ll…



Justiss Goode | F😄M

Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writers and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!