My Rediscovery: Magic The Gathering

Alexander Thiele
Just Magic
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2018


At the age of 15 or 16 a friend approached me in school with this new card game called Magic The Gathering where you can have big ass monsters and spells to win the game by reducing your opponents life points to 0. I was already big into fantasy and spent much time with the computer and so does MTG aroused my interest.

I can still remember my friends green deck with many cheap units but lots of +1 counters for every other creature. I started to spent my pocket money on my first deck and also a few boosters. I choosed black & white back then and tried to make it stronger with some additional boosters. I think i never won against his green overpowered deck and my pocket money was of course just limited.

After a few months i stopped playing because of just too few cards to build a good deck and also just too limited pocket money. Back then there was only this one friend who played it so i lost interest.

Today, 15 Years later, i studied, moved to Berlin, Germany, working as a Senior Android Engineer, Magic The Gathering started to appear again on my horizon. A friend asked me if i know this card game where you have monsters, spells and mana and you try to win by attacking your enemy. I asked: Do you mean Magic The Gathering and he said: Correct, i used to play this game around ~15 years ago and i recently just checked if it’s still alive. What follows was a really funny conversation about memories.

Magic The Gathering started to arouse my interest AGAIN and this time i have more than my pocket money. I started to search for nearby shops and funnily found one around my corner. I checked the latest sets and Dominaria seemed to be the latest and the new Core Set 2018 was about to release. I looked at the latest pre-build planeswalker decks and i wanted to test it right away. I bought the Ixalan dinosaur planeswalker deck Huatli and started to play after work against my friend. I have to say it was really cool! I still had some rules in mind but we needed to check the ruleset a few times.

After that day i met many more friends who used to play MTG years ago and are now starting again (There were some really funny conversations). We went to the official draft sessions and have much fun talking about good & bad cards, possible deck combinations and sending newly discovered cards to a Slack Channel where everyone will see the card plus some ideas for how to use it.

I‘m myself a software engineer and love to work on hobby projects in my free time and so i started with some friends to work on a some ideas for Magic The Gathering…

I will cut the story here but will continue very soon!

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Alexander Thiele
Just Magic

Android Engineer📱 startup enthusiast, entrepreneur & co-founder of TNX Apps