
Arjun S
just my thoughts
Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2020


Welcome to my blog series — “Just My Thoughts”. I’m starting this blog as a separate publication as opposed to adding to my Medium stories for the purpose of achieving a sense of separation from what I usually write.

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a place for me to reflect on and structure my thoughts about ideas in domains beyond what falls into my primary area of interest — Technology. The posts will be short, with a lot of pointers to resources that excite me. I wish not to add any further constraints to the nature of this blog, considering that its purpose is to let me explore new things. I have many thoughts on what this blog could evolve into, and given that I enjoy this venture as much as I hope to, this might even turn into a podcast not far from now.

And finally, I want to put it out there that I do not plan to monetize any post in this publication, as I wish for it to stay true to its purpose, and not turn into a wall that spits out content optimized for viewership.

