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The 12 Scents Of Christmas

Oh. My. Tannenbaum!

Chris Vonada
Just Out There
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2013


The 12 Scents of Christmas... this took some thinking! These are the things that one might think of when it comes to Christmas and the season.

- Frankincense and Myrrh. F&M. The standard when it comes to good Christmas scents. I can't say that I've ever even smelled these two, but I understand their scent isn't all that superb. However, since they were a part of religious ceremonies, and as they were brought to the newborn baby Jesus by the wise men, they're making the list.

- Cookies. There are many varieties, but for Christmas I most often think of gingerbread cookies. A house smells like a home whenever someone is in the kitchen baking cookies.

- Cinnamon. A spice of life.

- Hot Chocolate. This stuff is rich and tasty. How to Be Rich? "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share" 1 Timothy 6:17

- Fireplace. Ummm... love this one! Bring on the kindling!!

- Candles. Sensory overload with this one as they now come in an endless variety of scents and sensations.

- Candy Canes. They smell... well... sticky! Enough said.

- The Decorations. I don't know about you, but if you stuff these goods into a box, store them in a hot attic all year, and then dig them out, year after year, they start to smell musty. I think any wise man would eventually put some F&M into the box, right?

- Fudge. My mom makes this. It's either peanut butter or chocolate, or both. Your choice!

- Snow. Crisp, clear and cold. Don't pretend it doesn't smell, you know it does!

- Standing Rib Roast. This is my creation and contribution to our family's Christmas tradition. The dinner includes two other staples, Yorkshire Pudding and Glazed Carrots.

- The Tree. Dude, it wouldn't be Christmas without a visit to the tree lot, the aromatic scent of fresh cut evergreen and a wee bit of sap. Oh. My. Tannenbaum!!

Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill made low, the crooked straight, and the rough places plain. Handel's Messiah

What would you add to the 12 Scents Of Christmas?



Chris Vonada
Just Out There

Author and Geologist... I'm passionate about reading, running, anything outdoors, family, cooking, travel, music, Jesus and life! A Happy Dude :-) @ChrisVonada