
Her testimonial. 

Sébastien F. Dejean
Just Poems
1 min readJun 11, 2014



Yes, that is what you bring to me.

I love you

But it does not seem to matter.

I try to speak my mind

But I am afraid of losing you, and by doing so lose myself.

How am I suppose to act?

What is the perfect reaction?

What are you truly?

Boyfriend? Lover? Friend?

I am not sure to assess which qualifications you fit.

What is this?

What are we into?

Is it love? Is it something? Is it nothing?

Again, I fall short for answers.

My brain is swollen and my heart seems to beat rapidly as it is waiting patiently for a concrete answer that will certainly not avail itself.

Tell me, please tell me the truth.

Do not dare to mock me.

Do not dare waste my feelings.

For I have a hard time connecting with people.

And you’ve become what I sort of did not want for myself; You’ve become a part of my soul.

I ache for your love, your passion, your energy.

The wanderings of my mind are filled with your presence.

But in the end, I always ask myself:

“Do you think of me as much as I do of you?”

