SCS conducts annual league sorting despite COVID-19

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1 min readMay 28, 2021


Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the Supreme Council of Scholars (SCS) successfully conducted the annual league sorting for the Philippine Science High School — Central Mindanao Campus Batch 2026 scholars, shedding light upon the fates of each freshman and their destined leagues.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the annual league sorting was held virtually via Zoom Meeting last December 9, 2020, from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM.

The SCS used an application software called “Spinning Wheel — Random Picker,” to randomly decide each freshman’s official league.

On top of that, the SCS organized a “Get to know your League” video contest for the scholars to show what is awaited for them. With the Green Gryphons winning first place with 93.57 points, Yellow Flares won second place with 92.14 points, Blue Fawkes winning third place with 91.35 points, and Red Dragons winning fourth place with 88 points.

According to Geolian Marie S. Lorenzo, a seventh grader from section Jade, she was astonished and was very excited to be part of the Yellow League after she was sorted.

“My heart was beating so fast that I jumped and shouted happily. I love the league so much. I also would like to appreciate how the program was very well handled, designed, and delivered,” she said.

League sorting is traditionally done each year to establish friendly competitions and to preserve the Pisay culture.

Article by Shireen Balt, Scintillate

Edited by Laureus James Bonto, JUST News Editor



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