What Is Confidence?

What does having confidence actually mean and are you really as confident as you think you are?

Xavier Allison
Just Say It
3 min readJun 19, 2021


Photo by Andrew Wise on Unsplash

True confidence is a luxury that sadly, not everyone enjoys. I believe everyone has something they should be confident in. It could be their humor, math skills, looks, money, or even just being happy with your life. But, are all confidences equal, let’s talk about that.

In my experience, which I can admit is limited, being proud of something isn’t the same as being confident in that thing. Being generally happy doesn’t even mean your a confident person. Is it even safe to assume that having confidence means you’re confident?

I believe there are many forms of confidence. Take for example people who are only confident in public but by themselves focus only on the things they’re insecure about. While on the other side are the people who are only confident when nobody is looking. In my opinion both types of people are actually confident human beings.

You’ve also got those people who say they don’t care about anyone’s opinions of them. Are they confident? While they don’t let others get them down I personally don’t believe that’s the same as being confident. If, in their mind, nothing but them matters than what is there to be confident about? Do you see what I’m saying?

This is kind of a tricky topic but hear me out. If no one’s opinion matters and you don’t care what impression you make, you may be self-assured, but you may not be confident. You may go out looking amazing, shaking your hair around, talking about the things that interest you, and wearing the trendiest clothes but if you truly don’t care what anyone else says, that’s not confidence.

If you go outside looking like you haven’t showered in 2 months, haven’t washed any clothes, and just all around aren’t taken care of but you still feel good about yourself then, to me, you’re in an unhealthy mindset. Believing that no one else’s opinion matters and therefore allowing yourself to be ill kept is not confidence, it’s something else entirely.

In my experience, again, I know it’s limited; but in my experience it’s the people who listen to and care about the opinions of others but who still rock their own style who are truly confident. They let people tell them their style is crappy, that their hair looks bad because it’s not a popular cut or it’s not a style others think they should wear, they take jabs at their intelligence or their humor but they still go out anyway and are their authentic self. They do their thing because they like it and they know for certain somewhere other people like it, but maybe it’s not for everyone and that is okay.

Honestly this is a tricky topic to write about and I totally don’t think that it’s a bad thing to have the self assurance to believe yours in the only opinion that matters. I just don’t believe those people can be compared to the people who just know that their style or way isn’t for everyone, do care what people think, but rock it anyway. They’re two different types of people. (And, that’s okay!)

If you disagree or have questions or input on this topic, I’d love to hear what you have to say in the comments of this article. If you happen to be struggling with your personal confidence and you want to talk about it, throw that in the comments, too. I’ll reply, I promise you that.

I would also like to say anyone out there who only cares about their opinion please don’t take this as a sign that you aren’t amazing because honestly, I am one of you. I like the way I do things and very rarely even listen to other peoples opinions on that kind of stuff.

However you make yourself happy, just do that. No way is any better or worse. I’m just here talking about stuff and doing my thing because it makes me happy. I hope you’re doing that, too! That’s literally what we’re here for, to be happy and to try and make the world a better place.

Thank you all for listening and I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Peace out and I love you all.

