Growth in a desert.

How The Lord loves using the desert to grow us.

Aaron Ross
Just Some Jesus People


Recently I have came out of a very nurturing christian atmosphere, “The Christian Bubble”. I spent six months living in an atmosphere that was similar to one at a worship retreat or conference of some sort. I came out and immediately got a breath of “real-life” and found myself not only alone with my walk with God but surrounded by people who have no God and a faithless.

What was interesting is God led me here, and I have been growing stronger and stronger with The Lord since I got here. Even though at times I find it hard to express myself and thought provoking conversations are far from many. I still have found a shelter in Christ, I think shelter is bad way to put it, more like.. Vacation Home with cable and a Foosball table!

Haha, but honestly, it has been exciting and I have heard God speak to me now and not just in his mysterious way of speaking. He has provoked the way I think about a lot of things and I have learned a great lesson on God’s character.

One night the family I am staying with drove their RV out to the desert for a couple days of hiking and rock climbing. We had a great day together and my heart resonated thankfulness to God for such an awesome opportunity and when night came I was praying and felt like God needed to tell me something. I have been really asking him if I should be reaching out to a church or something, you know try to build my faith or whatever.

So I exited the RV and climbed this big rock that was right under a full moon and I just sat there… I was expecting God to just lay something on me heavy, blow my mind, but no. He said, “Talk to me. Ask me something, I want to talk with you.” Needless to say I’m a little perplexed on what to ask The Creator of the Universe!

I sit there and think and finally I ask Father, “What is your favorite thing about this desert you created Lord?” He didn’t reply with anything like I thought he would but something greater, more thought provoking and more encouraging than I could ever imagine.

He said, “Why did I bring the Israelites into the desert for 40 years? Why did my son come here to be tempted? Why did John The Baptist live in the wilderness?” … Boom. I got my answer. There is more to my conversation but it is sensitive so I’ll just summarize what I learned from our talk, it is quite valuable.

Why did God make HIS people live in the desert? I mean he loves them right? Some people would say he is punishing them but what I get from it was he was growing them. Yet again showing his unfailing love to prove his greatness to his children. He provided multiple miracles that kept them alive! He freaking sent Mana! I wish God would send Mana to me, that would rock my world completely!

People always focus on how The Chosen People blew it, but really we should look at how God worked and how they grew as a nation! God comes through in rough places, in hopeless places and we prosper. We make it as long as we are faithful. It is beautiful!

As I sat there on a rock in the desert God revealed to me my season, and filled me with strength knowing that his hand is with me and that I can rely on him. He is growing me as I am in this “Desert”, and that is why I am surrounded by non-believers. This is why I am alone right now, left to what I have learned and what God can provide.

I find strength in him, and through trials I am made perfect. Thank you Father for this opportunity to live in your presence daily and to walk with you. Keep helping and holding my hand, you are so strong when I am weak.

I hope if you read this you are encouraged by my testimony.

God bless.


