Eating Fried Chicken is No Longer Economically Viable, and I’m Having to Sacrifice

Inflation is killing my food indulgences

Lee J. Bentch
Just Thoughts
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2024


Photo by Lucas Andrade on Unsplash

It is hard to resist the crunchy, juicy mouthfeel of good fried chicken. Unfortunately, that luxury is getting out of control due to inflation.

There are many ways to track inflation’s impact. My benchmarks remind me daily why many are struggling. Here are a few:

  • Gasoline costs have always been a significant inflation indicator, but over the years, price volatility due to supply and demand has had a more substantial impact than inflation. High or low inflation, gas always seems to be high. I am finally considering an electric or hybrid vehicle.
  • There is the pizza benchmark. The cost of pizzas at any of the local chains is always an inflation indicator. While the pizza shops try to keep pricing at current levels, the sacrifices they make with downgrading ingredients cause them to lose customers. It is a well-known business concept that consumers don’t want to pay more for less, but that happens daily. My friends who own cafes are having a hard time staying in business.
  • Groceries are depressing. I am amazed by the daily price changes at the local store. Grocery items have low margins, but a 10 to 30 percent price increase in short periods…



Lee J. Bentch
Just Thoughts

I am an author, a technology guy, a grandad, a widower, and a man with many interests. I write to inform and entertain. Email: