How a Simple Gadget Saved Me Over Two Hundred Dollars a Year

I can clip my own toenails now

Lee J. Bentch
Just Thoughts
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2024


A picture of an extender pole with toenail clippers attached.
Photo by Author

The older I’ve gotten, the more mobility I’ve lost. And it’s frustrating.

I exercise and stretch. I can pick things up from the floor and reach over my head for items. But I have a horrible time clipping my toenails or tying my shoes.

My arms are too short. As I reach down to line up the clippers, I am always a few inches from reaching my target. The same goes for shoelaces. I know the remedy for my shoes, I need to buy Velcro tennis shoes or loafers without laces.

Regarding my toes, if I try and stretch to clip them, I risk throwing a disk in my lower back, which hurts, making me pretty grumpy for a few days.

I’ve tried outsourcing my toe maintenance to a nail salon or male-oriented salon like Tune Up the Manly Salon. I like doing that, as I get more than a pedicure. I enjoy their hot rocks treatments, cream and exfoliation processes, free drinks, and foot massages. Those are nice. But they take up time and can get a little pricey. I’m reserving those treatments for once a year.

All I want for my toenails is the ability to clip them, so they don’t become eagle claws.



Lee J. Bentch
Just Thoughts

I am an author, a technology guy, a grandad, a widower, and a man with many interests. I write to inform and entertain. Email: lee@lbentch.com