The Art of Planning My Vacation

It is time to figure out where I want to go this year.

Lee J. Bentch
Just Thoughts
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2024


A van on a remote highway in Utah
Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

It’s early spring, and I am working on my vacation plans.

As a single guy, a widower, I can go anywhere and do anything. Deciding is a big challenge.

This is the year I owe myself a nice trip.

I’ve considered heading to the Northwest United States to explore the coast and mountains or maybe to Canada, Hawaii, or even the Caribbean.

My tastes are so diverse that anywhere makes sense. But I like to minimize my time with crowds, being in touristy areas or visiting relatives.

I can see myself spending a few days in New York City to catch up on some museums, but after a day or two, escaping to the scenic areas of Upstate New York or east to New England.

Vegas always sounds fun, but I burn out quickly from the noise and glitz every time I go. I once used Vegas as a starting point for a driving tour that took me to Death Valley, which was interesting.

I’ll figure it out. I have some time, and being flexible, I may wait until after the summer rush.

I have my preferences as I reflect on the many miles traveled and the places I’ve been over the decades.



Lee J. Bentch
Just Thoughts

I am an author, a technology guy, a grandad, a widower, and a man with many interests. I write to inform and entertain. Email: