Is the Grass Really Greener On the Other Side?

A reminder to be content with our current circumstances

Kathy K
Just to talk about


green field at the base of mountains
Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

As I was reading Ray Day’s excellent article ‘Cheers to Writing and Talking to Myself Again’ this morning, I got to thinking about the circumstances that brought this person to our shores. They were excited to come but after two months became discouraged because they miss family and friends.

What they left was what they longed for again

In their case, the grass was not greener on the other side. I’ve found that when I get restless for change, which is quite a bit too often, actually, I tend to dream about doing something different. I make plans, I’m impetuous, insistent, persistent, tenacious. Nobody can persuade me otherwise. I’m convinced that the grass is greener on the other side and that the grass I’m standing on is brown and dying.

The color of my grass is an illusion and will cause deep regrets

It’s easy to look beyond my own cirumstances and see something better, more attractive, more appealing. There’s something in my circumstances that is causing me to do this. It’s called discontent.

Learning to be content with the color of my grass is key…



Kathy K
Just to talk about

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.