Ljubljana: the Slovenian Fairytale you have to see to believe

Just to talk about
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2022

Cheap travel, good transport links, and adventurous friends — living in Central Europe certainly has its perks. This Holy Trinity came together for me in April of this year when a friend invited me to spend a couple of days with her in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Honestly, and at risk of exposing my ignorance, I had never even heard of Ljubljana; and I certainly couldn’t point it out to you on a map, yet it was about to become my new favourite city.

We arrived in Ljubljana in the early hours of the 17th of April 2022 and I immediately fell in love. The residents of Ljubljana were likely just about waking up for work as we wandered through the streets of their city. Standing in the centre of the town square, you will find yourself surrounded by stunning white, dragon-adorned, bridges reaching over the beautiful blue Ljubljanica river that runs through the city. It really is a sight to behold. The city of Ljubljana is like a real-life fairytale. I found myself marvelling at the white stone structures and sublime, heavenly surroundings. Think Columbia from Bioshock Infinite.

The following day we took a trip up to Ljubljana Castle. The castle can be reached either by funicular or by foot. We opted to walk up the hill, which was surprisingly easy and well worth the effort once we reached the very top. The castle, built in the 11th Century, overlooks the city of Ljubljana and has lots to offer its visitors. Children are enamoured by the local tales of dragons, and can even play an interactive castle escape game (which in our experience will keep them busy all day).

Panoramic view of Ljubljana from the castle taken by the author
View of Ljubljana from the castle (taken by me)

If puppets are more your thing, you will find the Museum of Puppetry within the castle walls to be right up your alley. The museum covers the history of puppetry in Slovenia and its cultural significance for the local population. It even offers access to mini-stages, puppets, and props for you to experiment with your own puppet shows. Maybe you’ll discover a new hobby!

It’s all well and good being in the castle, but if you really want to see it, you should definitely make the short walk through the city to the Neboticnik Skyscraper! At the time of its completion, it was the tallest building in the Balkans. Today it doesn’t look quite so impressive but the view of Ljubljana and its castle make the short elevator ride to the top-floor cafe worth your while!

Panoramic view from the Neboticnik skyscraper taken by the author
View from Neboticnik Skyscraper (taken by me)

Don’t discount Ljubljana yet if the wholesome vibes of castles, fairytales, and puppets aren’t really your thing. The autonomous zone of Metelkova, with its edgy atmosphere, will surely pique your interest. The autonomous zone was established in September 1993 when squatters moved into the disused military barracks, relics from the former Republic of Yugoslavia. Now, Metelkova is an artistic and cultural hub and is open to visitors. It even boasts several clubs, bars, and music venues. It’s where the night truly comes to life in Ljubljana!

Ljubljana is by far the most beautiful city I have ever visited, to the point that I almost couldn’t believe it was actually real. It is somewhere that will stick with me for life and a city that I cannot recommend enough to any prospective travellers wishing to see more of Central Europe. Whether you’re looking for a beautiful city full of history, fairytales, and folklore or somewhere more edgy with lively nightlife Ljubljana is the place to go. And as it is small enough to explore over a weekend, you really have no excuse!

