Another Cold Wet Day in March

Paulette Tomasson
Just to talk about
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2018
White raindrops on a plane black background. As if looking out into the dark of night through the rain.
Photo by Nick Nice on Unsplash

Another cold wet morning. Rain pounds on the window. Wind dashes branches on the pane as cars rush by hurrying people off to their day.

Curious, how we refer to what we rush off to as the start of “our” day.

Does it mean that “our” day begins when we venture out?

Perhaps, but maybe it means “my” day begins when I leave my private and personal responsibilities behind and venture off to something new.

Relinquishing responsibilities that aren’t really mine, that actually belong
to something or someone else, a job, a boss, society, etc.

Now I am off on an adventure, abandoning the mundane for
something new and wondrous.

Something not experienced before, something novel and that may fill me with awe.

Now this is an adventure.

Seeing and experiencing something with new eyes,
hearing sounds with new ears, tasting and touching with new senses
and oh, the smells, the aromas, the fragrances of the unexplored.

Imagine what it would be like to enter each day allowing
myself to experience the mundane in this way.

Imagine this cold wet morning anew.


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Paulette Tomasson
Just to talk about

After a long career in nursing and psychology I have decided to try my hand at writing. I call them “Musing at the Edge”. Find me at