The Ugly Duckling

Paulette Tomasson
Just to talk about
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2022


who didn’t become a swan…..

A young white swan ducking swimming on blue water.

What happens to these less than beautiful beings? Who do they become?

What does the world have to offer these Ugly Ducklings?

I wondered about it this morning as I recalled my childhood. A childhood filled with disappointment, fear and shame. Those of us who share this background learn we wouldn’t grow up to be beautiful, rich or hugely successful. That was not in the cards for us. No, chronic disappointment and loss would continue.

There would not be a prince to rescue us or a windfall to change our lives. We would learn to settle. To settle for less than we wanted. To settle for crumbs and the need to be grateful for them. Feeling anger was futile along with any effort to overcome it. Feeding the spirit of futility and letting go of hope and possibility would become the natural way of life.

And we settle.

So, what does the Ugly Duckling, who doesn’t become a swan, do in this life? What do they become the Master of?

They have a choice.

They can live in sadness and disappointment and become victims, and many do, or they can use their imagination and PRETEND.

No one in the world can pretend and use imagination like those who have lived without. They can pretend all day long. They can…



Paulette Tomasson
Just to talk about

After a long career in nursing and psychology I have decided to try my hand at writing. I call them “Musing at the Edge”. Find me at