What we can learn from “The Rudest Book Ever” book

There is no friend loyal as a book.

Just to talk about
5 min readDec 2, 2022


Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

Books are a great way to get knowledge, whether it’s related to history, science, math, or any other field of study. They can provide us with a comprehensive look at a topic and allow us to explore it from different angles.

Some books have a wide variety of meanings, whether they are inspirational, educational, or just plain entertaining. However, there is one book that can be considered the rudest of all: The Rudest Book Ever. This book introduces valuable lessons from a unique perspective and can be a great source of knowledge on the subject. It is important to approach the book with an open mind and be ready to consider different ideas.

Now we can take away a few valuable points from each of the chapters.


Let’s start with you. You are a product. You are a product with hope attached to it. What does that exactly mean? It means that one day, you are meant to become this awesome, functional unit capable of choosing jobs, careers, and relationships. Environments and economics of your own volition- — that’s the hope. The better the choices, the better the product you are — that’s the simple law on the basis of which the world judges you.


The person who knows how to think will try to find out a solution for their problem by thinking on their own, using the method of reasoning. To expand the scope of their knowledge, however, they will read books, watch videos and consume all available information.

They seek knowledge because knowledge contains perspectives. And the cultivation of how to think requires a collection of as many varied perspectives as one can gather.


In many cases, people don’t think they need to learn anything because they assume they already know everything — a very dangerous assumption that comes from a frightening absence of self-awareness. So, they believe they are qualified to teach their kid anything there is to know in this world

Here’s the truth: most parents don’t have their shit figured out because nobody taught how to think when they were growing up. Just because somebody is older doesn’t mean they have figured out life. Stop attaching maturity, wisdom, enlightenment to ageing


Satisfaction is a feeling of contentment that comes from achieving a goal or completing a task. Satisfaction means doing the which helps in the cultivation of your mind, For example, listening to a podcast that gives you knowledge and different perspectives, watching movies or TV shows that make you think, and watching and listening to people who help you figure out a better way to deal with struggles

Happiness is fleeting and can quickly turn to disappointment or boredom, happiness can come from trivial or shallow things that can easily be taken away For example It could be reading books, listening to podcast, and watching wasteful movies which give you nothing just short-term pleasure and it could be watching videos endlessly, gaming out of a crippling need to secure a rush of excitement or desperately texting random people to get some sex may seem like they fall under experiential joys

Remember; Your actions come under the category ‘interest’ only when they are controlled by you, not you by them.

So, from today, start noticing what activities and wants of yours are controlled by you, and give you satisfaction in doing them, not just a short burst of pleasure.


Yes, rejections are normal. How you see failure and rejection, the first thoughts are: I am a fucking idiot, I am nothing, I am a loser, I don’t deserve anything, I deserve to die. In many cases, these feelings are accompanied by your parent's wrath, your friend’s judgment, and people's disappointment.

How winning is done mentally

Ask a question; you wanna do this, right?

This may seem like a very simple question, but it is different between wanting to do something and having to do something.

Having to do something becomes a duty you have to fulfill. Wanting to do something is a choice. When it’s a choice, there is an ownership of doing that thing. you want to do it. You are not doing it because somebody else is on your ass.

In short. you are not successful because you don’t know what to do. This is a highly misplaced argument because it assumes that everybody who is successful must be deeply in love with what they do. That is a quarter of the truth, which means it is 75 percent bullshit

It can be a number of reasons:

  • A hunger for money, status power;
  • A hunger to provide for those whom you love and are dependent on you;
  • A hunger to avoid poverty.

In the end, you need to understand that these failures can only change the path of the journey, not the direction.


There are many reasons why people get trapped in a shitty relationship. Let's talk about the:

  • You think that you will never find a person as good as them; you will never find a person as great as they are.
  • You will never be able to love somebody again; nobody understands you better than them.
  • You have put so many years and so much effort into this, so you can’t back out or else you would look like an idiot.
  • You believe they are who you think they are.
  • They only have me. He/she is a broken person, and I am fixing them.

If these are your reasons, then you need to hear some truths. First, these are highly over-exaggerated assumptions; two, stop trying to predict the future. Unless you are seventy years old and have all sorts of experiences

Every person in a relationship thinks their partner is special. NO’, they are not special; you are making them that because you have limited experience in life. There are billions of people. He/she is not the only one. But the first person you most definitely need to find is your ‘self’


