Apple goes Dual Droided; What does the future behold?

Ujjwal Singhania
Just Ujjwal Blogs
Published in
5 min readSep 13, 2013

So the day finally came and went. The day many Apple Enthusiasts were waiting for, the day Apple announced it’s new flagship device, not one but two. Yes, you read that right, Apple announced two new iPhones, the pinnacle of their latest engineering skills, and their creativity all packed in a slender shell. They announced the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C. Let’s dissect the topic and deal with it one by one.

— — iPhone 5[C] Colour or Cheap? — —

Apple finally ceded to the Internet Community by officially unveiling the iPhone 5C which was in the rumour mill for so long. Packing the same bang as the iPhone 5, it comes in a slightly thicker shell (9mm as compared to 7.6mm), but in various colours. (Nokia Lumia Series anyone, oh my bad, Microsoft Lumia). It packs the same A6 chipset of the iPhone 5, so you can expect blazing fast performance and impressive graphic performance. It has the same 8MP iSight camera which is a great quick-picture taker. What’s changed is that the battery size has been bumped up a bit and the front-facing Facetime Camera has a bigger pixel size and better adapted to dark surroundings. It would run iOS 7 at launch.

There are various coloured cases, retailing at 29$ a piece. There are over 30 different combinations possible. But here’s where Apple’s descent started, with flaws that would have fired half the company if Steve Jobs was there. I feel sad that such a great company, the trend setter, The “Apple” and its legacy, that was once so inspiring to me and so many others, was simply washed out in that one instance. Apple has lost that dedication to great products. It was considered a company whose design’s were absolutely flawless, that was it’s biggest strengths, but now it’s the cause of its downfall. More on this later.

[caption id=”attachment_289" align=”aligncenter” width=”640"]

That case defect is something never expected from Apple.[/caption]

The iPhone 5C would launch at 99$ and 199$ on contract for 16 and 32GB respectively. Off-Contract price would be around 550$. This raises more questions as the iPhone 5, if not abandoned would have had the same price. Why did Apple actually release a cheap iPhone with a price-point equal to the highest end droids there? Well this was Apple’s attempt to enter the mid-range, this was the iPhone 5C and I have only one thing to say, that it has failed miserably.People will buy it no doubt, but it wasn’t about sales for Apple, it was about satisfaction and that “WOW!” factor, which seems to have been evaporated with the loss of their best Visionary — Steve Jobs.

— — iPhone 5[S] Same or Special? — —

Well accompanying the iPhone 5C was the awaited successor of the best selling iPhone, the iPhone 5S. Carrying the exactly same aluminium shell of the same dimensions, it’s certainly a looker. Apple is betting on cashing this new design as much as possible before a major redesign. It has the same weight as the previous iPhone which is certainly something, we don’t mind. The screen is the same 4" of the iPhone 5. What’s changed are the internals. Powering the new iPhone is the A7 chipset and an M7 coprocessor. It has been designed on the 64 bit architecture. It has twice the processing and graphical capabilities compared to the iPhone 5 which is no slouch.

[caption id=”attachment_297" align=”aligncenter” width=”640"]

Infinity Blade III on the new A7[/caption]

Following the footsteps of Android, it supports Open GL 3.0 which means great, realistic looking graphics. The M7 chip on the other hand, offloads work from the A7 chip by collecting motion data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass. The camera has been improved as well. The Ram amount sticks at 1GB though. It has the same improved Facetime Camera of the iPhone 5C, but it has an 8MP sensor which has a 15% bigger sensor size, and the size of pixels have gone up, so expect those shots to look even greater when taken from the new iPhone. The flash has been innovated upon. The flash has automatically detects how much light your picture needs. It can take slow motion videos by capturing 720P at 120FPS. Burst mode has been added as well. And the main highlight is the Sapphire Glass Home Button which doubles up as a fingerprint sensor. Apple like to call it as Touch ID. They brand it as the most personalised way to unlock your device.

The iPhone 5S will launch with iOS 7 and all of it’s goodies out of the box. It has a new colour added to the already existing Black and White, the champagne gold. It would launch at 199$, 299$ and 399$ for 16,32 and 64GB respectively. Off-contract should start at 649$. There are premium leather cases in different colours which are also going to be available.

Now over to the criticism. Launching a phone with unreasonable features makes no sense. Apple brands the iPhone 5S as the smartphone ahead of it’s time. Hyping a fingerprint scanner? Please, Motorola had put this feature in their phone 2 years ago. Improving the processor and camera? That’s the only innovation we have left! Every phone manufacturer does that. A 64bit chip is not required for a phone with a gig of Ram. Saying it’s easy to support it is not reasonable. All older iPhones have a 32bit and hence apps will continue to be made in that standard, until the entire line-up is 64bit! Where did the old Apple go? The one who brought forth the tablet realm, the screens, the smartphone in essence? All I see now is a money wanting company. I know the logic behind the iPhone 5C being introduced. It’s not because they want a cheap iPhone, it’s because they phone the 100$ price difference between the S and the C would make people go for the S, thus racking in more profits. Apple bring back the innovation and get rid of the flaws, otherwise that $20,000,000,000 you lost during and after the conference, will expand to $200,000,000,000.

[caption id=”attachment_301" align=”aligncenter” width=”496"]

In 2011 not only did one of the world’s greatest visionary die, but one of the greatest technology companies began it’s descent. R.I.P Steve and Apple.[/caption]

Well this rounds up Apple’s iPhone announcement. If you liked the article please leave a like and follow us on our social networking links. Want to add something? Leave a comment on our Facebook Page or comment below. Thank you for reading and have a good day ahead.

