E3 2014: Nintendo’s New IP : Splatoon.

Ujjwal Singhania
Just Ujjwal Blogs
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2014

How often does it happen that Big Red launches an entirely new game series. Joining the ranks of some of the best selling games of all time such as Mario, Zelda, Pokémon and Donkey Kong to name a few. All of them are personal favourites as I have most of the Nintendo consoles ever since the Gameboy Advance came out.

However this E3 Nintendo has brought us a new IP, a shooter that goes by the name Splatoon. Splatoon is an ink based shooter which is completely unique however is just as fun. Players compete with each other to capture or colour as much of the map in their team’s colour. Marked by rapid squid transformations, super jumps and various cool weapons this is a game which may give all those traditional shooters a run for their money. Players move faster in their colour ink and slower in the opponents. This enables players to play with different strategies and decide which one works best. They can also transform into squids and travel really fast in their own ink. Also to refill their ink barrels they have to become a squid and spend some time in their own ink colour.

The only mode shown is a team match which pitches 4 people against 4 other people. The characters on the other hand will be completely customisable. Customisation would range from hats, all the way to shoes. Here have a look at the trailer. The game is set to come out in 2015, more information on the game modes other that 4vs4p will be released as the year passes.

[caption id=”attachment_639" align=”aligncenter” width=”474"]

A still from the game.

A still from the game.[/caption]


**This article is just a news update and hence is short. This is just to keep you guys informed about some cool things I saw in the conferences. A longer article might come when the games are actually released to the public.

