Reading: The vineyards & wines of Greece by Yiannis Karakasis MW

An easy-to-read, short and comprehensive account of the current state of affairs of Greek Wine today.

Eleftheria Karyoti
[just] wine lovers
2 min readJul 9, 2017


Either you travelling to Greece this year and are looking to taste and understand its wines, or would like to explore Greece as an emerging wine region, this is a great book to get you started.

It’s a great introduction to the current state of affairs of Greek wine. To enjoy this book you should enjoy going a bit deeper into wine than just drinking some pleasant wine with your food during your holidays.

Who is this book for

  • wine enthusiasts who like to understand the wines they drink
  • students of wine
  • wine professionals

What you’ll read in this book

  • A brief history of Greek wine from antiquity, through the centuries to nowadays. The history provides the context to understand the current state of Greek wine and why Greece, although one of the very first winemaking regions in the world, is considered an emerging wine country nowadays.
  • An overview of the most important Greek grape varieties and their flavour profiles.
  • The main wine making regions in Greece
  • A list of the best terroirs and vineyards
  • Quality of vintages and ageing potential if you are looking to buy some bottles to drink or/and age.
  • The top Greek wine producers to look for
  • And a list of the best Greek wines (sparkling, still and dessert) scoring above 90/100 points.

When in Greece, taste some great Greek wines

You will be able to find a few of the wines mentioned in the book in Greek supermarkets, especially in Athens. AB Vassilopoulos — or as written in Greek ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος has the best selection of Greek wines.

Get a few bottles and do your own wine tasting at your hotel, B’n’B or, even better, outdoors.

For a bigger selection, check out Greece & Grapes, a great online store dedicated to Greek wines and spirits. If you are staying in the region of Athens you can opt for next-day delivery. Sometimes they might be able to offer same day delivery.

Another very good online store to check out is House of Wine. They both have an English version of their website.

Get the e-book Wines & Vineyards of Greece here.



Eleftheria Karyoti
[just] wine lovers

I like to make new things & new things happen // New Business Designer @ Rabobank // Chief Wine Lover @ // currently nomading in NL