Just Wine
Just Wine
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2014


From Trish’s wine cellar (the couch)…

Have you ever nosed a wine and thought “Boy, this has a wafty aroma of grapes and liquor”?

Do you even know what “nose a wine” means? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out…nose…smells…noses smell. You get the idea.

What is wine? Fermented grape juice. That’s it. There are certainly a few more steps to making wine than just fermenting the juice squeezed from grapes, but those details are generally lost on the every day wine drinker. The real question is…should you care about those details? Yes. YES YOU SHOULD.

I am the first person to admit, when I entered this wonderful world of fermented grape juice, that I didn’t think wine was that complicated. It shouldn’t be that complicated. Wine smelled like liquor and tasted like wine. I bought $8 bottles of wine because they were on the sale racks at the liquor store. I didn’t shop at boutique wine stores — only snobs shopped there. I bought the popular, trendy, “chick flick” wines. If you don’t know which wines I’m talking about, shoot me an email — I’ll be happy to tell you.

I know what you’re all saying — I don’t need to learn about the wine I’m drinking, I like it just the way it is!

And you know what? You’re right. What do you like about it? Do you like the taste? What does it taste like? Do you like the way it feels in your mouth? Do you like how smooth it is? Do you like how sweet it is? Do you like that it sucks all the moisture from your mouth? Do you like it with steak? With pasta? With dessert? With no food at all, like me, sitting on your couch surfing buzzfeed all night?

Perfect. You’re exactly what we’re looking for. It’s THOSE details that make wine fascinating.

Every week (or so) we’ll explore something new. It could be a new wine, a wine region, we might even do a wine tasting video. If there’s something you want to see, let us know! We’ll give you an honest and approachable review, and we’ll probably find a way to pair it with Doritos and Donuts.

