7 of My Best Writing Stories of 2021

Overcoming Writing Block, Winging it to Mastery, Morning Pages, and More — With Excerpts

Sitara Morgenster
Just Write


Illustration by The Author with Canva.com

Let me take you back in time and inspire your writing all over again.

31 August 2021, My Pretend Editorial Team Provides Me With Expert Advise

I take notes like a proper secretary. I have a list with questions. Were two of my story ideas still timely enough to pursue, or had I procrastinated on them too long? One of my virtual advisers answers I should keep going with them. For one of the stories is a willing interviewee available and the other one has the interest of a magazine editor I pitched last week.” Read more:

27 August 2021, Coming To Terms with Disorder

“It was reading the great Joan Didion’s words (again) that pulled me up out of my self-imposed writing exile and into action. She had been ‘paralyzed by the conviction that writing was an irrelevant act, that the world as I had understood it no longer existed.’ In the preface to ‘Slouching to Bethlehem’, she



Sitara Morgenster
Just Write

Forest Reporter & Creativity Correspondent | IFJ-accredited Journalist | Using my head to write from the heart.