Exploring the New Horizons of Java 21: Record Patterns and Pattern Matching

Weberton Faria
Just Eat Takeaway-tech



Java is constantly evolving, and with each update, it brings new and exciting features. Today, we’re diving into Java 21, a significant leap forward in its ongoing innovation journey with the introduction of Record Patterns and Pattern Matching. These new features make our lives as developers simpler and our code cleaner and more intuitive. So, let’s embark on this journey together to demystify Record Patterns and Patterning Matches and see how they can add a new dimension to your Java projects.

Introduction to Records in Java

Records, introduced in Java 16, are a type of class in Java. They provide a compact syntax to declare classes that are transparent holders for shallowly immutable data.

For instance, a Person record could be defined as:

public record Person(String name, int age) {}

They have a concise syntax and automatically implement data-handling methods like equals(), hashCode(), and toString(), and enforce immutability, which leads to more predictable and less error-prone code.

The Basics of Pattern Matching in Java

Pattern matching simplifies the process of checking and extracting data from objects. It was enhanced in Java with the introduction of the instanceof operator.

Consider a sealed interface Employee and two record types FullTimeEmployee and Freelancer:

public sealed interface Employee permits FullTimeEmployee, Freelancer {
String getName();
String getDepartment();
public record FullTimeEmployee(String name, String department, double salary) implements Employee {
public record Freelancer(String name, String department, double hourlyRate) implements Employee {

In this setup, Employee is a sealed interface, meaning only the specified records (FullTimeEmployee and Freelancer) can implement it. This allows more controlled and predictable type hierarchies.

Using Pattern Matching with Sealed Types

Pattern matching can be particularly powerful when working with sealed types. For example:

public void processEmployee(Employee employee) {
if (employee instanceof FullTimeEmployee fte) {
// Process full-time employee
} else if (employee instanceof Freelancer freelancer) {
// Process freelancer

This approach eliminates the need for explicit casting, as the type of employee is automatically checked and cast to the respective types (FullTimeEmployee or Freelancer), simplifying the code and reducing potential errors.

Record Patterns in Java 21

Record Patterns, introduced in Java 21, represent a significant advancement in pattern matching. They allow for the deconstruction of record objects in a pattern match, enabling developers to directly extract and use the components of a record.

This feature simplifies code by eliminating the need for boilerplate extraction of record components. It enhances readability and makes the code more concise and expressive.

Example of Record Patterns

Consider the Employee, FullTimeEmployee, and Freelancer records from our previous example. With Record Patterns, you can deconstruct these records directly in a pattern match:

public void displayEmployeeInfo(Employee employee) {
if (employee instanceof FullTimeEmployee(String name, String department, double salary)) {
System.out.println(name + " works in " + department + " with a salary of " + salary);
} else if (employee instanceof Freelancer(String name, String department, double hourlyRate)) {
System.out.println(name + " works in " + department + " as a freelancer with an hourly rate of " + hourlyRate);

In this code, the instanceof check is combined with a pattern that deconstructs the record, directly extracting the name, department, and salary or hourlyRate, depending on the record type.

Patterning Matches

Patterning Matches in Java 21 further extend the capabilities of pattern matching. This feature allows patterns to be used in more places, such as switch expressions and statements, enhancing the flexibility and power of pattern matching in Java.

This addition enables more expressive and versatile code structures, allowing for cleaner and more intuitive conditional logic based on object types and their states.

Example of Patterning Matches

public String getEmployeeDetails(Employee employee) {
return switch (employee) {
case FullTimeEmployee(String name, _, double salary) ->
name + " is a full-time employee with a salary of " + salary;
case Freelancer(String name, _, double hourlyRate) ->
name + " is a freelancer with an hourly rate of " + hourlyRate;

You'll notice that the switch statement doesn't require a default case. This is because we're using a sealed interface for the Employee type. Since Employee is sealed and permits only FullTimeEmployee and Freelancer, the compiler can ensure that all possible subtypes are covered in the switch. This eliminates the need for a default case, making our code more concise and type-safe.

This section has introduced and explained the concepts of Record Patterns and Patterning Matches in Java 21, using the Employee hierarchy as a practical example. These features significantly simplify and enhance the way developers interact with records and utilize pattern matching.

Unnamed variables

Java 21 also introduces pattern matching with unnamed variables, represented by an underscore (_), adding further convenience and streamlining code. It's important to note that while Record Patterns and Patterning Matches are standard features in Java 21, the use of unnamed variables in pattern matching is still in the preview phase. Therefore, to experiment with unnamed variables, you need to run your Java application with the --enable-preview flag.


The journey of Java continues to be one of evolution and adaptation. With each release, Java cements its position as a robust, versatile language, capable of meeting the ever-changing demands of modern software development. Record Patterns and Patterning Matches in Java 21 are a testament to this ongoing evolution, offering developers powerful tools to keep their codebase clean and their programming practices ahead of the curve.

As we conclude, I encourage you to dive into these new features. Experiment with them in your projects, discover their potential, and see how they can transform your Java coding experience. Remember, the landscape of Java is dynamic and ever-evolving, and staying abreast of these changes is key to being an effective Java developer.

For those eager to learn more, seek out further resources, join Java forums, and engage with the community. Your journey with Java 21 is just beginning, and the possibilities are as exciting as they are limitless.

Happy coding!

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