The Importance Of Aerial Imagery In Inspections

Ashish Upadhyay
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2020

How viewing aerial imagery of properties better prepares claims adjusters.

Photo by David McBee from Pexels

Claims adjusters know full well the importance of knowing everything about the property that they are supposed to inspect. The better informed an adjuster is about the details of a particular inspection, the faster and more accurately can they finish the claim.

Having said that, getting a comprehensive look at the property is not an easy thing to do. Especially, in this “new normal” we’re living in. Claims adjusters who are out on the road have to take extra precautions to prevent getting infected from coronavirus. In such situations, getting visual information about the property beforehand is a massive advantage for them in order to understand the scope of the damages that they are dealing with.

Aerial imagery for inspections

Aerial imagery is a great advantage for property viewing for claims adjusters. Not only does aerial imagery help adjusters understand the specifics of a property, with this eagle-eye vision, but they can also navigate to the loss site effectively.

But the question that forms up is how do claims adjusters get access to aerial imagery. One option is getting a drone but not everyone has the resources or the time to obtain and maintain one. Also, the technical expertise required to handle drones needs to be mastered by adjusters.

A great way to overcome this challenge is using an application like JustEZ which has integrated inspection assignment details with each claim that it processes.

What this basically means is that adjusters who use JustEZ for their assignments get each and every detail about the property. This includes basic information about the property owner as well as the loss type and location of the property. However, what makes JustEZ stand apart is its ability to provide the best navigational route for reaching the loss site as well as a street view and aerial images of the property itself. This serves as a massive advantage for adjusters as they are familiarized with the location beforehand. Not only does this feature help save time but also enables adjusters to create more accurate reports of the damage. You can get to know more about how JustEZ does it here.

The Takeaway

Aerial images are an absolute necessity for adjusters in today’s time. As each industry is moving towards rapid digitization and technological changes, the claims adjusting landscape is also evolving with time. Applications like JustEZ are making it possible for claims adjusters to integrate modern-day technologies with their workflow and help provide better claims solutions for policyholders and IA firms alike.

