The Top 10 U.S. States For Adjusters In 2020

Ashish Upadhyay
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2020

Best states to find work as claims adjusters in the USA

Types of claims adjusters

Claims adjusters are of different kinds. Some adjusters are tied to particular IA firms and work as desk adjusters. Others work as public adjusters. However, many work as independent adjusters and get assignments from different IA firms. As independent adjusters, you have to be pro-active with your approach towards finding work and maintaining a steady income.

Job opportunities for claims adjusters vary from state to state. While there are always fluctuations in the market due to several factors — hurricane season being the primary one — when it comes to the best states to find work as claims adjusters, we looked at three things. Namely, high annual wages, good career prospects, and sizeable opportunities.

Best states in the U.S. for claims adjusters:

Rhode Island

Rhode Island stands at the top when it comes to having the best opportunities for claims adjusters. The annual average salary for adjusters sits at $51,088 while the lowest 10 percent can earn $35,000. Those in the top 10 percent have an opportunity to earn as high as $73,000 per annum. Check out opportunities for adjusters in Rhode Island here.


Maine has a total of 33 jobs for claims adjusters right now with an average salary of $50,499. The lowest 10 percent earn $37,000 and the top 10 percent can earn as much as $67,000. This makes Maine a close second to Rhode Island in terms of opportunities and income potential.


Nevada has 23 job openings for claims adjusters with an average annual salary of $52,195. The lowest income potential for claims adjusters sits at $32,000 while the top 10 percent can earn as much as $82,000 per annum. Nevada offers a good place to start your journey as a claims adjuster.


With more than 43 jobs for claims adjusters and an average salary of $52,394. Oregon is a really good place to find opportunities as an adjuster. The top 10 percent of adjusters can earn as high as $75,000 per annum making it a great state to explore options.


Pennsylvania is offering a whopping 129 jobs for claims adjusters from various backgrounds with an average annual salary of $50,217. The bottom 10 percent earn $33,000 while the top 10 have a chance at obtaining $75,000 per annum.


Idaho offers an average annual salary of $49,869 for claims adjusters with the top 10 percent gaining as much as $72,000 per annum. The state offers plenty of opportunities for all kinds of claims adjusting jobs and you can explore the opportunities here.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire offers an average annual salary of $50,647 to claims adjusters with the top 10 percent earning at least $70,000 while the bottom 10 percent have an opportunity of earning $36,000 per annum. Find the right opportunities in New Hampshire here.


Ohio is another great state to start your claims adjuster journey and find good opportunities. The average annual salary sits at $48,682 while the top 10 percent earn around $74,000. You can find opportunities in Ohio here.


Connecticut offers a wide variety of opportunities for claims adjusters and the average annual salary in the state is around $50,857. Moreover, the top 10 percent can earn up to $75,000. You can find more about the opportunities in Connecticut here.


Wisconsin is the last state on our list and offers a great number of opportunities for claims adjusters. The average annual income for adjusters stands around $47,622 while the top 10 percent can earn as high as $76,000. For more information on the opportunities in Wisconsin. you can visit here.


The metrics for determining these locations were availabilities of assignments, income level, and median salary. Having this standardization certainly helped determine the top 10 states to find opportunities for claims adjusters. We hope you can benefit from this list and find assignments that suit your needs.

