Top 5 Things Every Claims Adjuster Should Carry With Them

Ashish Upadhyay
3 min readOct 17, 2020


A guide to essential travel bag kit for claims adjusters.

Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

Traveling is a major part of a claims adjuster’s job. There are times when adjusters have to be away for assignments for weeks and during the CAT season, this figure significantly goes up.

Due to the nature of a claims adjuster’s job, it can never be determined when a travel requirement may arise therefore as an adjuster, it is important for you to always be prepared for it. Keeping that in mind, we’ve prepared a list of some of the most important things that you as an adjuster should have in your travel bag.

Portable Computer

Taking a portable computer or a laptop is a no-brainer for claims adjusters. When you’re out on the road handling loads of inspections, you need a powerful system that helps with all the documentation requirements as well as storing all your claim information in one place.

Mobile Phone and Software

Your smartphone, as well as the necessary digital tools, are also an important part of your travel kit. Not only does a smartphone help you stay connected with your family and friends it can also help with quick communication with your IA firm as well as claimants that you need to visit.

Additionally, having software like JustEZ on your mobile helps when it comes to quick and easy scheduling of inspections and navigation on the go.

Tool Kit

Your tool kit which is part of your inspection gear is another important addition for your traveling needs. Make sure to carry all your tools with you which includes a tape measure, chalk, spare batteries, flashlight, shovel, rake, hammer, screwdrivers, extension cords. All these tools are crucial for your inspection process and will come in handy.

Roofing Shoes

As an adjuster, there might be situations where you have to inspect a claimant’s roof for damages. In such cases, it is advised to use a good pair of roofing shoes that offer good traction on roofs and minimize damage. Roofing shoes are a great addition to your travel essentials and you can check out the best ones here.

Personal Belongings

Due to long travel durations, there can be situations where you’re away from home for quite a while. Because of this reason, you should ideally carry all your personal necessities with you. This includes a sleeping bag, toiletries, canned food, and an emergency medical kit. All these items are of great help especially during CAT deployments when finding hotels and places to rest is difficult and it’s just you and your vehicle.

Digital Camera and Notebook

A digital camera is a crucial tool for capturing photos and videos of the damage that you inspect. Being a nifty tool, it can easily be carried in your bag and should be an essential part of your travel kit when you’re out on assignments.

Another important part of your travel bag is a notebook for recording all the observations. While inspecting, you can’t carry your laptop around inside the property. Therefore it’s important to have a notebook to pen down everything.

However, if you have JustEZ on your smartphone, then even carrying a notebook is not required. The application provides a built-in questionnaire for you to go over with the policyholder that contains all the relevant questions that need to be asked. Moreover, you can use the application to take pictures of the damage and store them in one place easily.


With these items to keep in mind, you can create your very own go-to-bag for your outstation assignments. Having a traveler’s bag ready makes you more efficient and works great during CAT deployments as it makes you rely less on external help.

