Two ways of merging N channels in Go

Using goroutines and reflection

Francesc Campoy
4 min readJan 29, 2018


This blog post is complementary to episode 27 of justforfunc which you can watch right below.

justforfunc #27: two ways of merging N channels

Two weeks ago I explained how nil channels were useful for some important concurrency patterns, specifically when merging two channels. As a result, because this is the internet, many replied telling me there’s better ways to merge two channels than that. And guess what, I agree!

The algorithm I showed is useful for only two channels. Today we’re going to explore how to handle nchannels where n is not known at compilation time. This means we can’t simply use select over all the channels, so what are the options?

First way: using N goroutines

The first approach is to create a new goroutine per channel. Each one of these goroutines will range over a channel and send each one of those elements to the output channel.

schema: we create a new goroutine (circle) per channel (channel looking thingy)

Or in code:

INCORRECT CODE: keep reading

This code is wrong in a couple of ways. Can you see them?

Let’s first see one of the issues. In order to run it I define a new asChan function, which is explained in the previous justforfunc episode, and use it from the main function as follows.

Ok, so what’s the problem when we run it when the data race detector enabled, aka -race?

Fixing a data race

Indeed, we’re accessing the c variable defined in the for loop from many goroutines. This is dangerous, but luckily there’s a common idiom that solves the problem. Simply pass the variable as a parameter, that way it will be duplicated and each goroutine will end up with a different variable to itself.

INCORRECT CODE: keep reading

Now that the data race has been removed, let’s run the program again.

Ok, this is better and it looks pretty good until the end when everything crashes. What’s going on? Well, the main goroutine is blocked waiting for anyone to close the channel on which it’s ranging. Unfortunately we forgot to close the channel at all.

Closing the output channel

When should we close the channel? Well, once all goroutines have finished sending values into it. When exactly is that? We don’t really know, but we can simply “wait” for them to be done.

And how do you wait for a group of things? A WaitGroup, defined in the sync package.

A WaitGroup has 3 main methods: - Add adds a given number of things to be done. - Done indicates one of those things is done. - Wait blocks until the number of things to be done goes down to zero.

Let’s fix our program and close the output channel when it’s appropriate.

This is correct code, but you should still keep reading.

Note that Wait is called in a different goroutine.

Second way: using reflect.Select

A second way of solving the same problem is using reflect.Select which provides a Select operation on a slice of SelectCases.

In order to call it we’re going to create a slice of SelectCase that contains an element per channel.

Then we can call reflect.Select and send the value we receive to the out channel. Unless channel we received from was closed, in which case we should remove the case from the slice. This is very similar to what we did setting the channel to nil in the previous episode.

This should be done for as long there’s at least a non closed channel. In our case this is equivalent to the slice not being empty.

So the full code is as follows.

Running this code will also work and finish without panicking.

Which one is fastest?

The first solution uses a linear number of goroutines (one per channel) so that could somehow get slow at some point.

But the second solution uses reflection and we all know that’s pretty slow, right?

So which one is fastest? I sincerely don’t know! And that’s the question I’ll solve in the next episode when we’ll talk about benchmarks.

You can now read it here!


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