11 Steps to Bias Rehab

When You Realize You Need to Rehab Your Bias Take These Eleven Steps

Brooke Sinclair
The Bloodpac
4 min readFeb 24, 2021


“I’m 30 years bias rehab.”

A bias is a preconceived notion. Your notions are learned traits you picked up from friends and family throughout your life. It’s time we all rehabilitate our biases.

Photo by SUNBEAM PHOTOGRAPHY on Unsplash

Bias Rehab is a systemic solution to systemic racism. Bias is a learned condition of the human experience, a habit. A habit that can be broken through a system of accountability and responsibility.

We can help you break your biased habits. With education and repetition, the Bias Rehab Center can help you adjust to living an inclusive lifestyle. We think one-day people will say, “I’m 30 years bias rehab” just like being sober of drugs & alcohol. You can trust the Bias Rehab Center to help you rehab your preconceived notions.

Is There A Cure For Racism?

What if I told you there is a cure for racism? Sure, it sounds crazy…at first. We believe through a repetitive system of accountability and behavioral changes we can help you rehab your biased thoughts and actions. The biased thoughts and actions passed down through your family for generations.

A bias is a learned condition of the human experience, favorable or unfavorable. Unlearning bias takes small repetitive steps each day. The first step is to admit you did not start racism, it was passed down to you. You were powerless therefore the first step is to admit:

11 Steps To Rehab Your Thoughts & Actions

1. Admit you were powerless. The bias thoughts and actions you have today were passed down to you after generations in your family.

2. Believe in the power of the greater good. There is strength in using your privilege for good.

3. Embrace your bias. When you realize you are being biased, call the bias out loud.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

4. Fearlessly define your moral identity. Empower yourself to go against your natural inclination to biased thoughts and actions of privilege.

5. Own your bias. Confess your biased thoughts, and actions, to 3 people you hurt.

6. Embrace a new ideology. I understand that equality does not mean I am giving up my privilege.

7. Admit your bias shortcomings. Humbly admit your bias shortcomings to yourself on a routine basis

8. Make amends. Verbally apologize to people you have hurt with your biased thoughts and actions.

9. Routinely audit your personal bias. Are you being physically biased? Are you being emotionally biased? Are you being mentally biased?

10. Seek enlightenment. Seek to enlighten your self-consciousness through meditation

11. Practice daily. Practice these principles in all your affairs.

Photo by Tim Chow on Unsplash

We don’t believe in miracles. We believe in steps. We believe your bias is a learned condition of your experiences. Unlearning your bias is going to take small repetitive steps on a daily basis.

A systemic solution

to a systemic issue.

You no longer have to be scared of black people.

About Bias Rehab Center

The Bias Rehab Center is your safe space to ask questions, learn, and grow. Bias Rehab is a systemic solution to systemic racism. Bias is a learned condition of the human experience, a habit. A habit that can be broken through a system of accountability and responsibility.

We don’t believe in miracles. We believe in steps. We believe your bias is a learned condition of your experiences. Unlearning your bias is going to take small repetitive steps on a daily basis.

A bias is a preconceived notion and the Bias Rehab Center helps you rehabilitate your preconceived notions. The most fun you can have discussing hard topics. The 11 Step program is brought to you by The Bias Rehabilitation Center. The eleven-steps are guidelines to overcome an addiction to privilege. The eleven-steps are a systematic method to break the habitual feeling of superiority. The term white whisperer is a trademark of the Bias Rehab Center.

Sinclair wrote the ’11 Steps to Rehab Your Bias’ which laid the foundation for The 11 Step Program and Brooke is the Diversity + Inclusion Advisor at Lady Suite and she serves on the Board for Cornerstone Family Resource Center. Brooke is passionate about empowering underserved communities with equal rights, civil rights, and reparations.



Brooke Sinclair
The Bloodpac

Founder of By Our Blood. Activist, Author, & Future Billionaire. #bloodpc #reparations