Congressional Black Caucus Above the Mason Dixon

Maryland, Delaware, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, & Connecticut

Brooke Sinclair
The Bloodpac


For all of its pomp & circumstances, American politics has never been democratic. Maybe we should discuss how this country started.

America was ruled under a majority of uncontrollable, random terror and violence. That’s right, American politics came from terrorizing the Natives [Read Tennessee’s Influence On Terrorism]. When America began, slave-owning men signed a Constitution that protected them in case the slaves were ever free. Why? Because the slaves outnumbered the slave owners. The men’s greatest fear was free slaves.

If you are a descendant of US chattel slavery you’re screwed.

The men were scared free slaves would disrupt their business. In Back of the Hiring Line, Roy Beck explains that governmental policies enabled employers to depress Black wages and avoid hiring African Americans altogether. Policies that resulted in the average wealth of a Black American household in the 21st century still only being a fraction of other racial, ethnic, and immigrant groups today.

America is not a nation of immigrants. At least not in the way we think of it today. Those…



Brooke Sinclair
The Bloodpac

Founder of By Our Blood. Activist, Author, & Future Billionaire. #bloodpc #reparations