City of Tulsa “Lacks” Massacre Descendants

WARNING: Black Americans Conned Just Like Henrietta Lacks

Brooke Sinclair
The Bloodpac
4 min readJul 3, 2022


Margaret Press and Colleen Fitzpatrick, co-founders of the DNA Doe Project.

Last week Lisa Fanning of the American Society of Hematology announced joining the “Tulsa 1921 DNA Identification Project” team as a DEI professional and volunteer. Funded by the City of Tulsa, according to the website the Tulsa 1921 Project is a collaborative effort to identify the unidentified remains of the Tulsa massacre. RED FLAG. Sounds innocent enough, right? Except they don’t need your DNA to identify who died in Tulsa.


Reparations for the descendant of US chattel slavery is now estimated to be over $100 million per person. Not family or household but per person. However, the Tulsa 1921 project is not reparations. Tulsa 1921 does not pay individuals for their participation. Participants are not paid for their time, copies, or DNA test results. Participants receive absolutely no financial, political, or long-term benefit for helping Intermountain Forensics.

Intermountain Forensics is a non-profit DNA laboratory assisting the City of Tulsa in identifying remains recovered from mass graves believed to be from the 1921 Tulsa Massacre. Intermountain is asking descendants of the Tulsa massacre to volunteer confidential genetic information, family trees, and historical records. However, because Intermountain is a non-profit company it also asks for donations. That is correct, Intermountain would like you to pay to help them.

Dr. Colleen Fitzpatrick, Founder & President of Identifinders International


You pay

Participation in the Tulsa 1921 project financially costs volunteers. Volunteers buy DNA tests from FamilyTreeDNA ($119), MyHeritage ($49), Ancestry ($59 for a 6-month subscription), or 23andMe ($99). Then upload a copy of your DNA information to DNA databases GEDmatch and Family Tree DNA have been used by CeCe Moore’s company, TheDNA Detectives since 2018.

Medicine depends on tissue

Today’s multi-billion-dollar industry depends on tissue culture. Human tissues and cells are used to make vaccines, HIV tests, and the most basic drugs on the market. If scientists didn’t collect Henrietta Lacks cells then we would not have most vaccines or drugs. That means your Black American cells are highly valuable. Priceless and you deserve compensation because the demand for genetic materials (cells, DNA, etc) is only growing.

Black blood is magic.

The cells stolen from Henrietta Lacks were eventually used to cure polio even though the Lacks family was never credited. Why weren’t they credited? Because Black Americans are the only humans on the planet whose cells reproduce indefinitely and they don’t want you to know.

They don’t want you to know your Black American blood is magic. The cells and tissues of Black Americans will never die. Even if frozen for decades, the genetic materials are amazing scientific anomalies because they travel on unwashed hands, float on air dust particles, and can contaminate other blood samples.

Fanning’s background

Lisa Fanning has worked for the American Society of Hematology for eleven years now. In addition, she also volunteers for several genealogy-based nonprofits. Fanning’s experience suggests she should understand the science behind DNA and genealogy research which means of all people, she knows the City of Tulsa does not need DNA to figure out who was killed in Tulsa. Fanning did not respond to calls for comment however, her LinkedIn announcement said she was excited to join the Tulsa 1921 project both as an employee and DNA DOE Project volunteer.

What happened after this story was published? Read the follow-up to this story on Newstoter.

CeCe Moore, Founder at DNA Detectives

The Blood PAC

Presented as evidence to be true, the facts and details in this article were brought to you by the By Our Blood PAC. The only PAC (political action committee) focused on issues and policies to enhance the quality of life for Foundational Black Americans in the United States, By Our Blood is lineage-based advocacy. We organize to get Candidates elected and hold politicians already in office accountable. Learn more at Join the Blood PAC today: Clap this up, Subscribe, or Follow.



Brooke Sinclair
The Bloodpac

Founder of By Our Blood. Activist, Author, & Future Billionaire. #bloodpc #reparations