The Debt America Owes Blacks

Why Descendants of Slaves Should be Paid Reparations.

Brooke Sinclair
The Bloodpac
2 min readOct 4, 2020


Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Reparations are making amends for a wrong one has done. Paying money, or otherwise, to those who have been wronged and I’d like to pose one really great reason why descendants of American slaves should receive reparations. And it’s not for any of the obvious reasons. You know those commonly referred to, or eye-rolling reasons. You know those standard obvious reasons like slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow, or white supremacists. Not because we had to ask for Civil Rights. Or because we fought for the right to vote, but yet there are constant attempts to suppress that vote. And not those obvious, repetitive, overstated (boring) reasons like how Wall Street sells municipal bonds to investors and banks to pay off police misconduct settlements, but yet, descendants had to create a phrase in self-defense, “Black Lives Matter.”

Nope. Not for any of those stereotypical reasons. Nope. In my humble opinion, there is only one reason why the United States should pay reparations to descendants of American slaves:

Because slaves did not ask to come here. The End.



Brooke Sinclair
The Bloodpac

Founder of By Our Blood. Activist, Author, & Future Billionaire. #bloodpc #reparations