As Spiritual Teachers it is not enough to just close our eyes and meditate in Peace.

Nara Lee - Messenger
Justice for Peace
Published in
1 min readMay 2, 2024

As Spiritual Teachers we cannot just close our eyes and meditate in Peace.

For when when we open them, the unconscious humans are still a liability to peace of citizens, companies and the world at large.

There is no Peace without Justice. Even if you Meditate and Pray for a living.

I Pray. A lot. And across the past 2 years, God answers me with a Call to “Justice”. It is not something I can ignore. Or something any of us can turn a blind eye to.

Though Inner Peace is the beginning of our Spiritual Path, the work of Peace is not over until we address the Human Unconsciousness. For all crime and violence comes from unhealed wounds of the irrational lo.

Who needs to Heal?

The Victims or the Perpetrators?

Healed Souls are Peace. The lack of Peace is created by those who are not at peace within.

To have Peace, we cannot win without Justice.

It is not enough to Pray and Meditate for Peace. We must be Actively involved in Peace through Action and Justice.

