An Elder Millennial Mom’s Playlist for Today’s Preteen Girls

Because I am Feeling Nostalgic for Old School Feminism and the Potential of Empowerment

Jenny Justice
Justice Poetic


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I am feeling a bit nostalgic. My daughter is 12, soon to be 13. And I know it is always the case, but have you all noticed how music is not the same as it used to be? But no, really. I like a lot of ‘today’s hits’ I am not here to shout get off my lawn, but when it comes to music that will seriously empower my preteen daughter to thrive in this life and society, I cannot seem to find many songs from now that will rise to that occasion.

So, I am going to try to make a playlist for her. Old school style, like when we used to burn cds for each other, remember? But now it is a YouTube or Pandora playlist.

So far I know that she needs to get her headphones hooked up to some Ani Difranco. She already knows enough about Ani, me being who I am, an Ani fan at age 16 and someone who will talk nonstop about how Ani’s music changed my life to anyone who wants to listen. But, as any parent might attest to, it sure is hard to get your kid to like what you liked at their age! But here let’s add Not a Pretty Girl and Swan Dive to the mix.

I hope Alanis Morisette is an easier listen for my kid, so she has to go on the mixed tape too — my…



Jenny Justice
Justice Poetic

Writer| Mom | Poet | Book Nerd | Teacher? | Brings Poetry to life with empathy, connection, joy, justice, and feeling. Poetry Fangirl