Daisy Chain

A Poem

Jenny Justice
Justice Poetic


Photo by Allie on Unsplash

The floral garland

Links and links in a chain
He loves me, he loves me not,

They love me, they love me not
Yesterday instead of writing poetry

I devoted my entire day to researching on ancestry.com
Why? Because it’s a pandemic, because it was free, because I saw my

Last name in this book circa some dude in 1600’s and wondered
And now, a day later it’s traced, internet style, as in not confirmed, as in surface level

As in names and dates that may or not be anything close to accurate
As in this is a chain and what’s missing are stories, what’s missing is me

In a library surrounded by papers and letters, me in an attic surrounded by
Antiques and things passed down, what’s missing is what went missing

After my grandparents died before I was 12 and it was all sold in auction
For pennies and pennies to pay debts and debts

Stories lost, things scattered, histories now just names, dates, names, dates
And yet when I see it is is a tree, when I see it, it is a tree of me



Jenny Justice
Justice Poetic

Writer| Mom | Poet | Book Nerd | Teacher? | Brings Poetry to life with empathy, connection, joy, justice, and feeling. Poetry Fangirl