A Poem

Jenny Justice
Justice Poetic


Two almost three deaths in a week I
came to write about the stars to gaze at the stars

not be pummeled by them
not have them laugh at me and glare I

came to find peace not to mourn endlessly I came
to study and learn and reflect in wonder

I came to feel like I have a home in it all I came to
belong and belong and belong

And I find oh I find that some don’t want me
I find that some don’t care or understand

and that somehow this is fine for them to do to gossip and judge
dismiss and trivialize when I came

to give gifts and to glow
I came to question and to know

I do not have time to struggle with others
in their boxes for me

I do not have time to play high school games
to be that wallflower waiting for a chance to dance

I came to let my heart explode
with the joy if my own self

to fill my own self with what pleases
my soul with what makes my soul feel



Jenny Justice
Justice Poetic

Writer| Mom | Poet | Book Nerd | Teacher? | Brings Poetry to life with empathy, connection, joy, justice, and feeling. Poetry Fangirl