Upon Learning that Planets Make Sounds

A Poem

Jenny Justice
Justice Poetic


The earth is loud.
Those of us here well, we already knew that.

It’s loud down here too,
we take up space and send twitter feeds to Mars, they come back rejected

nobody wants that, alien or human, we are annoying.
The other planets make sounds like humming or ocean waves —

we make sounds like TV, like shouting, like phone calls, like demands
constant, babbling, constant, chatter, constant booming of this and that,

the space in between planets is cold and quiet, I assume, full of stars and
space junk from earth that we sent up, keep sending up, keep blowing up

and then we wonder why we don’t hear back from the ET, we wonder
if we are alone in the universe, if we are the only ones —

and all I can think is that they are tired of us
they hear us when they drive by, they hear us like it or not,

they have no interest in babysitting, no interest in starting a
relationship with a planet that is all ego and hubris,



Jenny Justice
Justice Poetic

Writer| Mom | Poet | Book Nerd | Teacher? | Brings Poetry to life with empathy, connection, joy, justice, and feeling. Poetry Fangirl