The power of two

The value of a two man sales team

Justin Marino
Justin Marino
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2016


The dynamic of sales is an ever changing environment. Not every customer is the same. The tactics or traits that you are strong in might not be the fit for the customer you are selling to. Finding this out after landing a face to face meeting is not the time. There is too much energy and too many resources involved in scheduling a 1 hour meeting to lose. You need to create a balanced team to make sure you always have the right personality fit.

It’s difficult to build the right team because you are putting opposite personalities together. Once you do you, though, you are more likely to have a really successful meeting. You may be weak where your team mate is strong. It's having back up when you need it most.

You will be more effective because each person brings a different background, skill set, and perspective into the meeting. You get to keep the conversation going in a direction that will lead you right to a closed deal. Having two people at a meeting also shows your customer that you care. Every customer wants to know how important their business is to you.

Two person sales teams bring value to each team member too. You have someone to discuss ideas and strategy with when you prep for your meeting. Your sales partner may pick up on something that you completely missed. It’s a great way to make sure you are bringing the most to a sales meeting.

Plus who wants the travel alone? My friend of 17 years is my sales partner, and the value we bring together is beyond what we would get alone! We keep each other in check and focused. Plus we have fun along the way. A two man sales team is a great option. Try it!



Justin Marino
Justin Marino

Father of 3 | Husband | FM Dashboard | RJM Customs