Jazzmyn Sulipa
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018


What causes poverty? Stefan Aarnio

Stefan is a Serial Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor, Author, Real Estate Coach, Real Estate Developer, Public Speaker, App Developer and Artist. I have learned a lot from this entrepreneur that is from the city I grew up. Have a look at his articles, youtube channels, everything. He is insightful and gets you thinking. Many people fake their success to impress others. Stefan is the real deal.

This was a recent article of Stefan’s that resonated with me.

What causes poverty?

The answer is nothing: Poverty is the natural state of humanity.

An airplane’s natural state is on the ground. The natural forces of gravity keep the airplane on the ground and out of the air.

When you add thrust and lift, the plane will fly through the air.

When a plane crashes and investigators are trying to figure out what caused the plane to crash, the simple answer is that the plane merely returned to it’s natural state — on the ground.

People are much like airplanes. Poverty is our natural state, but with desire and training we can become rich.

The hard part is, our natural tendency, usually is towards poverty.

When your alarm rings in the morning and you want to hit the snooze button, that’s poverty talking to you.

When it’s dinner time and you know you should eat something healthy, but you order a pizza, that’s poverty talking to you.

When you don’t want to get dressed or shave or comb your hair, that’s poverty talking to you.

When you are ok with not making your bed or leaving your house a mess, that’s poverty talking to you.

It’s easy to slip into our natural state of poverty, and it takes much more work to lift yourself from poverty.

They say that the absence of a positive mindset is a negative mindset.

When you don’t plant flowers, weeds will grow.

Every day we must weed the soil of our minds and emotions from the weeds of poverty and plant the flowers of wealthy habits.

A wealthy habit is to get up when the alarm rings (or earlier).

A wealthy habit is to eat a healthy dinner (or have an apple once in a while).

A wealthy habit is to bathe, shave, groom yourself and dress nicely every day.

A wealthy habit is to make your bed and clean up the messes around the house every day.

When poverty talks to you, it’s your job to ignore the easy way and pursue the right way.

There is no way to beat poverty, except to practice habits of wealth.

The world, your peers, your family may condition you for a mediocre life and poverty habits, but it is your job and your duty to condition yourself for wealth.

Harness your desire and get some training to learn to plant the right thoughts in your mind and lift yourself from the natural state of humanity.

Without thrust and lift, a plane cannot fly.

Without desire and training, a human cannot become wealthy.



Jazzmyn Sulipa

Deconstructing the life of vagabonding while starting a business online from SQUARE ONE. Work hard, Play hard.